Magic is bad for humanity

They still know that all the gods moved to somewhere else. Also in AA they show that being a messenger was a legit job. Another thing is that they would share information through trading with people.


not sure if i would go that far lol

this post got necrobumped and now its over 100 replies. how tf

There were people arguing lol, that’s why it was bumped

Magic is cheese.

yes as in me and you and diamond

You live in it right now.

no shit sherlock lmao

Obligatory apology for necrobump, but I remembered reading this post and had to find it.

Isn’t is also possible for human being to interpret the interactions they had with the gods with simply interacting with superior, more magic potent beings? It doesn’t necessarily mean they couldn’t have religions.

For one thing, the fact that the gods could both be reached and killed suggests a physicality that could easily be explained as them simply being superior beings. Like significantly more powerful and rarer Vastuses (Vasti?).

For another thing, I see no reason to believe that the existence of the gods was common consensus, and even though it were, it would not necessarily stop them from believing in “god gods”.

In fact, there’s nothing to suggest that even the old wizards know jack shit about where the gods in AA came from. At what point would they have ever even come across that knowledge? The existence of the gods does not suggest or necessarily mean that the gods were worshiped or understood exactly how the people under the Greek religion worshiped them. There are still many unknowns.

The lore document stated that magic was rumored to have been spread by an old monk, suggesting that the explanation of “old monk” still existed and was believed.

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Well, also the actual creator of the universe was the 2nd unknown and not the so called gods (who’ve never been shown to be capable of it). It’s not really known anymore how unknown the unknowns actually are at this point. The card on the AA wiki trello suggested that they weren’t really believed in that much but it’s very outdated and it still contains lore that’s since been changed. In the WoM era it said the people of magius revered the PK as the 8th unknown and since the unknowns are listed in order of strength, they’d have to know about the other unknowns to know the PK’s place or have been told by someone who did. In addition, freedrock and poseidon weren’t even hiding or roaming the uncharted seas of the world or anything like that and through magic sensing their status as an unknown could’ve easily been discovered. Nowadays I think this is what they mean by calling them unknowns

except maybe some of the unknowns actually are unknown like the 2nd unknown and then it’s perfectly possible people could’ve made up their own creation stories

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If people from the war ages are well remembered I don’t see why gods would be forgotten

Also magic circles are literally calling from chaos asking for “power” or some shit, I forgot the exact translation

It’s not so much a question of the deities themselves’ existence being questioned but their status as actual, ruling, gods worthy of worship being questioned. Even if I were to discover Zeus existed, without information that he was a god, I would not instantly think towards him being so, and thus being worthy of worship.

They could be interpreted as superior, more magic potent beings as I said, though you are probably right that it is more likely that their existence isn’t under question.


Nah, I think the opposite. If humanity right now falls into a dictatorship it’s borderline impossible to do anything about it.
Magic on the other hand always gives on person an opportunity to get strong enough to defeat armies. This creates a cycle of peace and dystopia. The real world easily becomes a permanent dystopia. It slowly is becoming one anyway

At least the people that died to it didn’t suffer.


  1. Most magic users that have been or will be born will never reach such a level that they alone can pose any realistic threat upon humanity. Of the three (?) instances in which these occurred:

    • One was incited by a group, and

    • The other two were in fights involving:

      • a person holding more than 7 curses and magic powers at a time,

      • an extremely talented mage with a secret mutation magic, and

      • a magic user who is literally the byproduct of the absorption of all the magic energy that accumulated in the ocean for what I think is a millennium.

  2. Magic is also capable of making life better for humanity, though the extent at which it can do so is likely also dependent on how it works. The way it seems right now, it can’t really do anything like solve world hunger (since the water isn’t real water as I understand it rn), but it can be used for any uses that the energy it generates could be used. Theoretically, of course. At some point I imagine it’d just be more efficient to use machines.

In saying this, I think you neglect the fact that an army-crushing individual will still lose against an army of army-crushing individuals. Not to mention that in a government army, specialists are likely to be there. It will get to a point where you will be a direct disadvantage in learning how to kill with magic if you don’t go to the army, the same way you would be significantly disadvantaged in a war if you didn’t go to the army.

Not to mention that it would be in this government’s vested interest to control the education and monitoring of magic. If a child were born with tremendous talent, the government will probably already have gotten to them unless the parents make an attempt to hide it, and, depending on the government, they can be punished for it. Any families that are just naturally gifted would either already be government shills, or be persecuted heavily.

Funnily enough, all this could be supported by the common man by utilizing simple fear tactics. The magically gifted DO pose a threat to the common man, after all. If I am a common non-magically talented person, I can be living my life one day and have my entire life change by a mage’s fuck up another day, not even an intentional act of violence, mind you. Fuck, if I were a non-mage, I’d openly support the suppression of gifted mages. Their existence is a threat on my person.

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To hammer specifically on this point, I’d say it’s not necessarily that magic gives evil people power but that any imbalance in power will give evil people power, more so than the good. Because good people in any situation whatsoever have a crutch that gives them a disadvantage over the evil: the good will simply not resort to the kinds of things the evil will.

Moreover, evil is more permanent than good, because evil and corruption appeal to the desires of man. There will always be the corrupt politician, and it’s not as easy as just booting them out, since there are probably more of them than the good. Everyone has desires, after all. If they band together, you’ll be eaten up. Telling someone “If you help me get power, I’ll give you a million dollars” is significantly more appealing than “If you help me get more power, I’ll be a good leader”, especially to those whose futures are guaranteed, anyway.

moment when

Sorry for the bump but I don’t understand how the AA, WoM, AO universes would have been better for magic because someday somewhere someone would get the power and potential to destroy the world and would do it and while you can argue there will be people to stop him there is no 100% guarantee that there will be.