Magic is bad for humanity

the problem is that nobody seems to like acknowledging the positives of having magic

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Mmm yes very good

They couldn’t stop durza and they were destroyed by him. They couldn’t have stood in the way of the PK even if they survived durza’s explosion. The PK was in another league by that time

That’s different. Nobody really cares about if the dinosaurs get genocided. We do care if some natural disaster happens to humans

Then what does mean anything in the end?

Inconsequential compared to what magic users can do and have done by fighting each other. Theos could go around healing people but he chooses to spend his time more wisely: fighting durza ie the guy who’s trying to take over the world. If everybody is peaceful and works together then sure magic can be put to other uses but just looking at this list, it has a lot of things that are really minor like slightly enhanced search and rescue using hovering. It would be a waste for a wizard capable of hovering (and thus other high-difficulty spells) to spend their time not potentially stopping murders by magic users but doing something that ordinary search and rescue people can do with the right amount of people and resources. Excellent security is certainly needed if excellent threats exist. It’s not really a plus so much as it’s just not a minus. It may be that most wizards can be killed with guns but they’re not the ones you really have to worry about. Ok I actually admit curse users could supply large quantities of material to help society but I agree with the PK that destroying the curses was more desirable when it wouldn’t necessitate killing relatively good people (at least as portrayed in the story) like john thorne or trigno

magic would definitely give good benefits to the world.

but it’d make it more dangerous all the same.

Holy shit this is heated



and? this still doesn’t mean magic itself is bad for humanity

then why should we care about the humans then?

nothing does, however we’re referring to how magic is good or bad for humanity


by manipulating a random amnesiac person who only just woke up,
to immediately kill and go on life-threatening missions

you seem to overestimate the negative effects

search and rescue is still difficult even today, cough just that one building in miami

you’re saying saving dozens if not hundreds of lives who’d otherwise die in whatever disaster is a waste of time compared to stopping the occasional rare murder…?

someone who gets lost in the mountains,
breaks a leg skiing,
trapped under rubble,
potentially stuck in their house during a flood,
or their house even gets destroyed by a tornado or hurricane is a waste of time?

in which case it solves the issue doesn’t it…?
not all criminals are wizards,
a wizard could stop people who can’t shoot fireballs out of thin air and overall stop much more crime

the vast majority of wizards never get even close to that level, and in which case barely a threat

to an extent yes, destroying curses isn’t the worst idea
still doesn’t mean they are always in the hands of “bad people”, though

It supports my point that the PK could’ve done whatever they pleased and nobody would’ve been able to stop them

Then it was irrelevant to question the moral character of an asteroid

said action saved the world. Is that not a good enough reason?

You seem to underestimate them. You keep saying magic users will be kept under control and magic-enhanced criminals will be swiftly dealt with which is blatantly not what happens in the lore

You saying “rare murder” is a case in point. In-game you can turn left or right walk 100 paces and see people who will attack you on sight

For magic users, yes. Other people can help with that. There’s an opportunity cost

or a wizard could rob people who can’t shoot fireballs out of thin air and overall start much more crime. The gap in power between wizards and non-wizards and certain wizards and other wizards is the opposite of deterrence. Using magic sensing, you can guarantee a victim will be powerless against you

in which case still a massive threat such as every very powerful evil wizard we’ve ever known about


fundamentally nothing does, but we’re trying to keep the conversation alive

you say that because one evil dude or whatever did some bad shit, magic is evil
however anything is justified if it “saves the world”?

the only ones that matter in the lore are the handful of powerful ones
captain sage, verdies, kraken,
many of the weaker ones likely were often fucked over by the magic council

not to mention you do stop most of the fuckers in the lore at least

thats a gameplay mechanic, obviously in lore the woods aren’t crawling with edgy people in hoodies saying they’ll take over the world every 10 feet

love how you skipped nearly everything I said about search and rescue
shits difficult as hell even today, if saving lives is inconsequential then why is killing bad people to save lives any different?

they’re still spending massive amounts of money and time today on search and rescue

took days even with full media attention to try to uncover the people in the miami apartment collapse,
a wizard could just lift rubble out of the way easily and sense for survivors

twin towers in new york was similarly bad and would be a great example of how wizards would excel at this type of work

and the more powerful the criminal is, the easier you can sense them…

name more than 5 powerful evil wizards in the lore

Do I have to spell it out for you? Magic is bad for humanity if it creates such risks. The world’s luck could run out just after WoM and finally succumb to one of the countless threats magic spawned

I never said anything is justified but I don’t really see how you can critique theos’s choice. It was a far more effective use of his time than any of the things you suggested. Magic is bad for humanity because its overall effects on humanity are bad. It wouldn’t matter whether those bad effects can all be traced to one evil dude or not

Cursebeard and the entire one-shot pirates fleet, the leaders of the AG, rupin, and of course, durza were all people who abused their magic/curse powers and caused far more damage than any criminal in real life is capable of

The scale of the world is different than seen in-game but the woods being occupied by tons of villains and being dangerous is just a part of the setting

You missed the point. Saving lives isn’t inconsequential. Saving more lives is better than less therefore it’s optimal for the good magic users to try to deal with the bad magic users and the civilians to do things that magic users dont have time for like search and rescue. A magic user could deal with something like helping people out of the twin towers but it would be even better for them to deal with the people causing that kind of thing who would also be magic users and thus untouchable by most non-magic users who wouldn’t be strong enough to do anything about it. Destroying the twin towers is something you could probably do with an ultimate realistically. It would make no sense not to go after someone who could probably do it again to every other tower in the area

If you’re trying to track down a criminal that way you’d still have to know it’s not just someone else with a similar power level. Since they could also sense you coming, it would be dangerous to just go straight at them from a distance as they might be luring you towards other wizards to gang up on you or into a trap. Non-magical civilians can’t sense potential attackers coming at them so they’re the ones who are most vulnerable in this situation

ctulhu, kraken, durza, verdies, sage, marua


magic with humans = lots of cool stuff and lots of bad stuff x 50

ok but the bad stuff x50 is a lot more entertaining and less depressing than no magic

yeah lmao. maybe we get a U.A style academy for aspiring wizards and a dark arts society

na bro no way we ever making decent progress on that shit with the nuclear magic bombs going off every second

well crud

Weak af lmao, a person with severe amnesia canonically beats them in like a day or 2 first try

Not an evil Wizard???

Not strong and just does normal pirate shit, not really noteworthy

Also we never got to actually see Cthulhu, what if he was a great guy? Pretty rude to judge off his name.

yeah bro what if cthulhu just spent all his time partying in the sea until we interrupted hi-

Ain’t no way Cthulhu was good ngl.

Your mentor’s name is called The War Phoenix while you’re called the Peacekeeper, Theos legit sounds like the main enemy to someone who doesn’t know the story

You can’t judge a book by its cove-… ohhh

This just made me think of something.

You know, eventually in the story it might come to a point (probably when magic genes start becoming substantially rare) where a new social class emerges in most societies that consists solely of the unusually magically gifted.

I imagine that a lot of magically gifted families would begin to marry and procreate only with other magic families to strengthen the gene, and could grow as powerful as entire governments in centuries. They would possess a good portion of the nation’s military might, after all.

They could even grow powerful enough to overthrow their nations’ governments, too. If many of them exist within a nation, that might spur on serious conflict which will probably have massive casualties as well.

Then again, I haven’t considered how having a small percentage of mini-nukes would change the face of war itself. Would non-magic users even be necessary? If you kill the opponent’s sentient mini-nuke first, then you’d have to fuck up badly to even lose at that point.