Magic is bad for humanity

Either way my point still stands that the pro’s of magics just can’t be better than the cons

Just systematically murder all “evil” wizards every time they pop up, gg ez.

I feel like this is only true because of the way magic works in AO in specific.
It’s made in such a way that there are little productive uses for it that couldn’t be accomplished in a safer way somehow else.

The most important thing about magic in AO in this respect is that magic attacks are literally just differently shaped magic, they aren’t even “physical matter”. They dissipate eventually so you can’t build with them or do anything that would last for a reasonable amount of time.

Why build a sword with iron magic if you could just get a really good normal sword? If the magic sword’s maker dies, becomes unconscious or stops casting the spell for some other reason, you can’t use your shit anymore. Sure it takes longer to make a real sword, and the magic sword will probably be stronger by a long shot (PROBABLY), but the chances of you even needing such a powerful sword are basically zero since most people don’t even have magic.

The same thing goes for most other tools you’ll ever need. It’s just better in the long run to use a normal one. Sure, you can help people with magic, but unless they are specific occupations put in place to do this, this is dog shit since you’re unlikely to run into a wandering magic user if you’re in the position to need help anyway.

Strong enough to matter. Nobody in the village could stop him

He killed his whole crew cause he got mad. I’d say he was pretty evil until he changed his ways

She took over altavista. That isn’t normal pirate shit

I’m just gonna assume this is a joke

Yeah no matter what you say about not judging a book by its cover Cthulhu is 99.9999999999999999999999999999% evil

Verdies isn’t really evil to begin with, he had an inflated ego because he was a prodigy from mutating Plasma early and never lost a fight until Trigno happened. He def changed after the PK defeated him and went to the AG

I also heard somewhere that Sage was supposed to be the next strongest Pirate after Cursebeard got fucked by Durza

this argument is starting to get heated lol

go to sleep rake

48 replies

Ok let’s do this.

Idk, if I had infinite power I would probably crete an empire. But I also know that and don’t want others to do the same thing :sunglasses:

Also their is a clear difference between technology and magic as I have said before, technology matches the progress of civiliation, and it is impossible to create a nuke solo, and while harder, it is possible to get even moreso powerful with magic.

Did you just quote spider-man at me :fr:

Not really my argument, as I have said before, since I am focusing moreso on the macro level, but also, it is way easier to control gun production than it is random people just awakening magic guns.

Yes :dark_sunglasses:

Also wall of text :frcryin:

Dude there is a difference between a government organization nd a single person.

Yeah and then Cursebeard-senpai died :frcryin:. seriously though, if you’re whole argument is just “pray to god that the stronger ones are on our side” it isn’t really a compelling one.


found the MHA fan :frpensive:

Yeah, like two people deciding the fates of nations doesn’t sound so hot


anyways there’s that ig

debate about nonexistent, fantasy elements in a game about magic made in a bootleg Lego game platform

please go to sleep people

@GlitchingEclipse cry about it :ez:

lucky luigi

If anyone in the village could use the doom wood clubs they sold, Marua would be beat by a toddler.

He didn’t kill his crew… he got mad because his crew mostly died…

Tiny af island

why is this argument so heated, its a magic roblox game


Well I couldn’t find much about verdies or what he did but I vaguely remember he was destroying stuff or something so I’ll drop this for now and hopefully someone else will fill in with the info


The scale of the world is different in-game but it has a pretty similar number of buildings to savaria so I would assume it’s pretty decent in population

Verdies was fighting The Mantle Pirates and then Argestes shot a tornado which launched him and his crew into a sky island where most of his crew died due to the magma residue from Trigno and getting launched by a fucking tornado into the sky. Verdies went insane from the loss and just kept firing giant blasts and shit but it didn’t kill anyone but the environment.

Do you not know how op Doomwood clubs were?

I don’t think trade port islands are known for their combat skill

Well it’s just that magicless toddlers would probably be sub-level-1 and would get 1 shot instantly before they can touch him. Anyway, they couldn’t have used the clubs so it wouldn’t matter anyway

Ok well again, sage is strong enough to matter. If you can take over somewhere like altavista and nobody stops you for a while like bounty hunters or the AG then you’re pretty powerful. Based on her personal strength as a boss when you fought her, she could probably have taken over most of the first sea

Hmm, well considering he attacked the player on sight I’d still say he was pretty evil even assuming nobody else died or got hurt. You can’t just destroy islands that don’t belong to you to make yourself feel better