Magic is bad for humanity

lol this shits funny

m8 he was in a blind rage state destroying everything on sight, he was literally too mad to think

Even though you say “literally” he was clearly capable of thinking. Are you saying that he did what he did unconsciously? As far as I can tell just by looking, he knew what he was doing and did it anyway out of anger

Yeah, the PK snapped him out of the blind rage state when defeated

How do you know?

from previous conversations with Tech

hello chat

I said that power doesn’t corrupt, it shows what’s already there inside of that person. You probably accidentally skipped that part or actually skipped it, but I’m not gonna jump to conclusions.

Yeah, I did, since that’s actually very relevant towards this. It isn’t the fault of magic that bad things happen, its the fault of the people who abused that power, which there was a LOT of. It’s basically stating that wizards should use magic for creative and actual good things instead of the tons of terrible stuff that a portion of them have used it for. Wizards are born with magic, and can control it, so it’s their duty to use it for good, since there will always be those who won’t.
the fact ppl actually are getting THIS philosophical over a roblox game where the entire thing revolves around a dude using magic for good is extremely stoopid

I guess then he might not necessarily have been evil but if it’s possible for even good people in the arcane universe to get so mad that they become like that, it’s even more dangerous to have extremely powerful people in it

Your not talking in theoretical terms, he never said magic was corrupt nor that magic MADE people born with magic evil, all he said was that magic is the SOURCE of evil and why humanity is going through a shit ton more than it normally would be because of magic. Once again, he’s not blaming the people, he’s blaming the magic for practically existing. Yes, it’s confusing, but what he’s saying is that if magic never existed it would allow the pathway for equal lives throughout the arcane universe. What I mean by this is everyone would get a fair chance at let’s say, a government position. Although, I do disagree with him on that, even without the existence of magic, stereotypes and classes would still appear due to wealth. In fact, if you think about, wealth would just replace magic, not as easily as magic, but think about it. With no limits to the universe you could use wealth to buy a nuke, and easily do as much damage as a magic user. Obviously it would be much harder overall to obtain wealth, and deploy a nuke, etc. but I allude the fact. Once again, magic is not corrupt itself, it can be used for good, AND evil. However, the source of magic existing creates an unbalanced default society that leads to a lot of mistreating, a lot more stereotyping, and a lot more violence. Although, if you think about it, there will always be balance. According to many Greek philosophers, where there is evil, there will be good. This is a statement on the theory of retribution and compensation, it which, in simpler terms, where there is a Durza, there will be a theos. Basically, when there is strife in the world it will be dealt with/compensated by an opposing force.
Anywyas, that’s all I really have to say.
Magic, like wealth, won’t be perfectly balanced. However in larger terms, not one person can ruin society.
Wealth, is not as powerful as magic, but I digress

By giving the world something, both sides of a war are going to use it. No shit it’s going to fuel the evil, but it’s also going to provide for the good.

That’s exactly the point. He says magic is wrong for even existing, despite magic not being able to do anything on it’s own. Magic can’t just walk up to a town and murder everyone there, nor can it on its own vaporize 80% of the human population. The world may or may not have been better without magic, and while the world without magic would minimize inequality, it wouldn’t remove it. There’d still be people born poor, or orphaned, or with physical disabilities. Inequality still exists in our world, and our world is one without magic. Magic is literally just a thing that exists. It’s up to the people to decide how they want to use it, which they did. The removal of magic may or may not be better, but that doesn’t change the fact it wouldn’t remove inequality. Heck, the entire game is about a dude running around using magic for good, despite it being the apparent source of evil.

I didn’t expand more on why he’s saying that, he’s saying that because without magic people would be less capable of doing the things you just stated. Also I never said removing magic would remove inequality, in fact, I supported the fact that it would remain.

How will it provide for the good? Magic is used only to destroy and kill. Other than than light magic which is literally a curse, (I’m pretty sure). If anything magic only provided an easier way to kill and destroy, nonetheless it’s small benefits.

Who’s to say they’re magicless? They had the Iron curse user guarding them for a while, they could’ve picked a few things up.

Breaking News, a severe amnesia patient murders a woman with just lightning magic

I didn’t know that people should feel nothing from losing everything that mattered to them (literally everything he had other than his magic) doesn’t cause grief. If I shadowbox after getting gripped in rogue, does that make me evil??

Also you can clearly tell he went batshit insane because he has no dialogue and is called “Angry” which I think is synonymous for insane in this scenario.

Those islands didn’t belong to Cumulus, those were public sky islands.

There were no magical parents on the island to speak of so it’s less likely they had a magical toddler

You can’t be a pirate and not foresee the possibility of something like defeat happening. If you were a military leader in real life and you lead your underlings into a battle that most of them died in, I can imagine you could be pretty angry. I still wouldn’t consider what verdies did a reasonable reaction. Shadowboxing is not the same as destroying islands and attacking the player on sight. I take angry to mean angry and not insane and I don’t know why you wouldn’t. I don’t know what insanity has to do with your amount of dialogue. Anyway, that doesn’t matter because we now know that he was simply too angry to be in control of his actions

If it wasn’t officially claimed as anyone’s property under legal recognition, people probably still used it for things just like the ocean. The point is it wasn’t verdies’s to destroy. That would be like if I destroyed antarctica before the treaty that decided which parts of it belonged to who

Next you will downplay durza

Nah, I’ll have to call bs on this one on the grounds that you couldn’t possibly know whether this were true or not. It’s like a self fulfilling prophecy.

If someone gains power and appears to have becomes corrupt, you can always say that they were always corrupt “inside of them” regardless of whether this were true or not, and, seeing as they are now corrupt, you have no way to actually confirm this at that point.

If they do not appear to be corrupted, you can simply say they were always good inside even though they might be doing some shady shit on the side, or they might have had the help of a mentor to not become corrupt OR they might have simply not had the opportunity to be corrupt by some twist of fate.

People just like to think that a person’s morality would not change significantly with power because it implies that theirs wouldn’t change significantly with power. Basically, it’s a cope.

the same reason it empowers the bad, fight for their cause on helping or preventing wrongs/ injustice

cough, life magic

no… light magic isn’t a curse it has a curse counter part like the other base magics including magma and what not but thats magic in it’s purest state.

same could be said with technology, fire was a good way to keep warmth or cook food but it can also be used deliberately to destroy. look at napalm for example, or flamethrowers in the world wars

Are you special education? Have you not read the previous posts? First of all, I mean to say life magic, not light magic. Life magic is a literal fucking curse, it’s not a base magic, meaning that only one or a few can inherit life magic. Second, without magic, we wouldn’t need magic to enforce ANYTHING. The reason we need magic to be used by the good is because it is used by the bad, but if it never existed then we wouldn’t need that in the first place. I already said this but you can’t seem to understand English. Also, I never said magic provided NO benefits, I deliberately said it had small benefits. Cooking food or keeping warm is fucking nothing in compared to, how many lives lost? Anyways, don’t be dumb, I already answered all these questions.

Life Magic is still not a curse at all