Magic is bad for humanity

magic was already bad for humanity from the getgo; shut up and touch grass

Okay, but in the lore the “player” aka “future PK” was said to have more magical energy and potential than the average wizard, compare it to naruto, it’s kinda like naruto having the nine-tails, aka more chakra. Even theos himself in the AA lore said he gave us that quest in newground island and the weapon, because he saw great potential in the “player”.

It’s literally so normal for the player in any RPG game to have more “potential” doesn’t really change the overall lore, or the point of this topic. Yes, Magic is destructive and bad for humanity, but not one regular person with magic can train strong enough to snap humanity out of existence. Once again, compare it to naruto. Almost all the Hokage or all the really strong characters have a special ability that wasn’t obtained, but yet was given to them or found, just like curses. Madara = sharingan, Naruto = Nine tails chakra. You see now? Basically what I’m trying to say is, magic is powerful, but it’s not overwhelmingly powerful, it has limits.

Unless, obviously, they find a curse, which most are already destroyed.

if this argument reaches 300 replies im gonna change my pfp to this for a week

(dont ask how i found this image)

might throw in an UwU and OwO every so often to troll too

Time to reply to every comment


I need to bleach my eyes holy

Your eyes may be bleached for now

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ayo be careful, might be considered as gore or smt

Naaaaaw it’s just ketchup that was stored in his head, surely thats fine…right…

ah yes, ketchum, what i like to chug down my throat every meal

maybe this was closer than i’d expect



its reached 100 replies
its time.