Magic is bad for humanity

yeah, but magic is what creates those evils and gives them power in the first place. Why even bother with it at that point, if youre forced to use more to defend it from itself

magic doesn’t create evil look at Minotaur hes evil and has no magic. It just helps those who are evil.

1: the more evil you are the more magically powerful you are. this is canon
2: how do we trust the “good wizards” to either a: exist, b: care about stopping bad wizards, or c: be able to stop the bad wizards?

i’d rather not put my, and humanity’s, wellbeing in the hands of a very small group of people who are on average more evil than good

Ok good wizards can be trusted (literally the Peacekeeper, the 11 unknowns, Trigno, Theos who sacrificed his life to the point that he rare mutated his magic to save the 3rd sea.) Also you know whats worse that relying on wizards: police (not gonna say why but you know)

Also these people and even the magic council (who was said to not be corrupt in any way in the lore) use excessive force to take down criminals. Ops you got a bounty of 500 from killing one person in a town? Oh wait your level 90? Ok send out 3 level 300-400 captains… AND BRING HIM BACK ALIVE!

yeah exactly, we canot trust a minority of elites to act in the best intrests of the majority

bitch, what do you think wizards are? Its like guns, but worse. At least cops can’t get more powerful, but these guys can.

1: you just listed examples of good people, this doesn’t prove anything, thats like saying not all cops are bad :fr:
2: relying on wizards is ASTRONOMICALLY worse than relying on police, at least police are only marginally more powerful htan the average person because of equipment, and their status just being a social construct, wizards can fucking demolish a city or worse if they feel like it :fr:

Well also their efforts are supported by the government whenever they do something good. Whenever its bad they immediately take action. Even if its just you breaking someone’s window.

“the magic council is not good” bro which side are you arguing for

yeah, these people just happened to be good. Theres no rule against extremely powerful people being evil.

Vetex is a confirmed simp for the goverment

It said it in the lore. They said it was better than the arcane government because it wasn’t corrupt. If you had beef with them it was for bad reasons or because you like killing people.

this. good wizards want to preserve the status quo
evil wizards want to commit untold massacres
if the evil wizards win once everyone fucking dies.
under magic there is no way to prevent this from happening unlike irl

He is but the arcane government was still corrupt while the magic council wasn’t. It was an ideal government.

thats the core of my argument yeah, it dosen’t matter how many good people there are if the power for something like that can just be given, without restriction. Power in general, i feel, is evil.

the ideal goberment is no goberment

In real life the bad guys win when we all die from nukes…

Also there is no status quo for wizards. They are just being checked on by the government so that they know who to arrest and who to reward.

Magius had no government for 1000 years and thats why its still in like medieval times cuz everything was either being killed or destroyed because no one wanted to unite.

magius didnt have “no government” it operated under feudalism which is basically many different localized governments, vetex called it “anarchy” because he’s 2 iq :fr:

You just dont believe that people can change something bad good when it has been done so many times in the story. Just like how good things can be turned bad.