Magic is bad for humanity

Well look at what happened to the cultures because of that government. Also one of them wanted THE ABILITY TO DESTROY SOMEONE IN A WAR AND NOT HELP THEM BACK ON THEIR FEET. So they went against the magic council. (they literally just wanted to kill people and that was it)

A whole sub unit of a culture did this… oh wait multiple tried this nvm

how tf are you going to change magic??? :fr: its literally physical laws

ah yes, anarchy is when crime

wow who would have guessed governments want to cannabalize eachother

magic council only stopped them because a war would disrupt their unchallenged authority

this has devolved into MC bad lmao.

Also, damn, those are some good points

Also because they were wanting to wipe out other cultures. Basically genocide


You can change magic by mutation, man made, or even not using it for even like it was made to be.

how does that change anything? It dosent make it any better lol

that doesnt change the fact that:
1: evil people are more powerful than good people (this is canon)
2: the strongest person can fight 1 billion average people and win (assuming no equipment)

That is like someone giving you a gun and telling you to go and kill someone. Will you do it? Choice is yours, it was given to you to kill someone, but you can just not do it.

Bro, were talking about mutations?? Also, its not the what they do with it, but the very fact that they have that much power in the first place. power is evil, no one should have that much.

or you… can? depends on the childhood and mental health honestly :fr:

therefore giving the person the gun was not morally bad and was actually the right thing to do :fr:

Power can also be good you can take anything in this world and give someone alot of it. They can either give it back, use it to help people, or use it to hurt people. Power is universal. Me rn i have the power to kill someone with a knife from my kitchen but I don’t do it.

maybe you can use that gun later on in life to save your own hide or someone else’s that is in danger.

the system isnt morally neutral like you’re describing though, magic is more powerful the more evil you are, just like how capitalism requires you to be ruthless and exploitative to advance in it

still again. government uses more force than that wizard has.
WOM used to work by someone getting a bounty of 400… AND THEY WOULD SEND MAJORS AFTER YOU… they are level 4k-5k btw

durza killed 80% of the population for petty reasons

not Durza Hades did