Magic is bad for humanity

point still stands, also just because government is “worse” than magic doesnt mean magic isnt bad :fr:

Your just labeling magic as evil because what it was made for. Even though we see what good people do with it. Your just saying that anything that is a weapons even if its a natural weapon you are born with is bad. Look at humans then if magic is bad. We are naturally dicks to each other and are made to step on each other’s foot. But because of good people we teach ourselves to not be dicks as kids. This is why nurture is stronger than nature.

we arent “naturally” anything except a slight inclination to be social :fr:
society teaches us to be individualist assholes who dont care about anyone

So… We are taught to fight other kids at school while growing up, or to take any chance to spite someone we don’t like?

you’re literally punished for helping other people in school, and constantly “graded” on how well you do

No we are taught or at least I was that the world wont care about you so you need to find a group of people that are really there for you.

I have never been punished for helping another student at school. Yes when tests come around your not supposed to help, but that is to see what they are able to do with all that help.

individualism applies to how you act towards strangers not how you act towards your family :man_facepalming:

tests and quizzes etc. are the only parts that MATTER :fr:
also yes you are punished, if you help someone it could lower your class ranking and make you unable to get into a good college

if you’re constantly taught that in stressful situations that will affect you greatly you shouldnt take other people’s help or give other people help you grow up 1: not wanting to help other people and 2: not wanting to be helped

Idk what your talking about maybe your school is just different cuz I can get into a college without worrying about whatever the heck a class rank is

Also we are humans. We are mean’t to grow from the lessons of others. Otherwise we would be in the stone age cuz everyone would be trying to re invent the wheel.

have fun being in the lower class of society since you didnt get into yale/harvard/any other super prestigious college :fr:

the fuck? all of our technology is built off of the toil and labor and thousand sleepless nights of thousands, millions, BILLIONS of people throughout history, every time someone makes a new discovery they’re using the help of those billions of people before them to reach something that they couldn’t on their own, not growing from the lessons of other people would be ignoring the rest of technology and trying to start from scratch because “i dont take handouts”

I think that’s just a bland way to look at it. I’ve seen many great people who graduated from other kinds of schools that know way more than what an average graduate would know.

you proved my point there

how is using someone elses invention to help invent something new not “growing from the lessons of others”

im saying if they were to not take handouts (advice or ideas from others) They would start from scratch and be at square one having to invent what they made and then work off that

This is getting besides the point

imo science advances today in spite of neoliberal individualist society and not because of it, did you know that scientists can’t share their research with scientists from other companies? this is because it would destroy the lead that the companies that hired the scientists have, making science progress much more slowly than it would if everyone cooperated

Well I think it helps because it give s them all different ideas to try and not stopping at “Thats how its always been and will always be”

But my point in this whole argument is that magic gave humans a way to evolve differently than us. Yes there have been times when the world has gone to shit, but they work through it. Magic may be used to kill people, but those who put in the time and effort to work enough to get strong enough can protect those who need it. Our characters are always outliers to this situation. They are always gonna be powerful because it wouldn’t be fun if we had to grind two hours to gain one level up. These people that you say could destroy towns and stuff are very rare. They are only found in chambers and other places because they know if they contest a village or the magic council they will be squashed like a bug. They will just be another criminal record.

That’s not even mentioning how non magic users can surpass magic users with enough time and effort.

and if the strongest person in the world is evil? are we all fucked?

Then the world unites like it did with Durza. They made it a point that everyone good or bad wanted him dead.

durza only died because someone stronger than him came along (PK), if PK wasnt there durza would have curbstomped the world after absorbing cursebeard’s magic