Magic is bad for humanity

Even though our character was stronger imagine if it was equal playing field (PK pl= Durza pl) and it was Poseidon PK and Cursebeard vs Durza

That was the original plan to go with but Theos died awell as Cursebeard and Poseidon. (we pulled a MC move and arrived too late)

even better: imagine if magic didnt exist and durza was no more powerful than a normal human, thus his evil wouldnt be able to destroy the world because he would be curbstomped by multiple people the second he started shit :fr:

Actually Durza wouldn’t have done anything because he was a normal kid before Hades took control of him.

Also you keep saying it would be good for magic to not exist when fighting styles like radius and impact can be made by someone evil. BETTER YET THE VASTUS FOR CHRIST SAKE. Again, they can kill thousands of humans alone let alone a whole population of them.

Oh yeah and the fish people under the water would probably still be around to kill people who sunk a little too deep into the water.

The cube did, it was an experiment to test the limits of dark magic.

That Hades performed that was controlling Durza I remember that much of the lore. Hades used the curse to control him. Curses can mindbreak their users but not control them

Otherwise PK wouldn’t need to murder Hades.

where did everyone go?

You realize they’ve still survived till Y2985 and I’m 99% sure humanity has had much more deaths than the deaths that have occurred in the AA universe, it might bring up figures like 80% of the population but there was still like 10 people per big island and no matter how you put it, their population was substantially lower than the human population. Depending on your idea of “good for humanity” you can argue but much more deaths have happened in real life compared to in the arcane universe.

Yeah, I would say magic is still bad for humanity, though. Most instances of massive populations dying in a short amount of time happened in the last 100 years, and those that occurred beforehand would need a lot of manpower.

The Arcane Universe has not developed for nearly the amount of time that human civilizations have existed in real life, and this is neglecting the fact that the Arcane Universe isn’t going for maximum realism here.

Imagine the absolute bloodbath that is the history of the middle east but the soldiers could shoot fireballs from their hands and shit. Although the bible is probably fictitious in most of its accounts, imagine the shit Joshua would have been able to accomplish in his genocidal crusades if he and even like 10% of his troops could use magic.

(Yes I know none of that happened in the AU).

They have though, I literally just mentioned the year, electronics and shit existed on specific islands that we never got to see, hell even mainland had basic electricity and it wasn’t the most advanced.

They already fired portable semi-portable canons and they also fired guns which were also deadlier which were deadlier so I don’t see your point.

Or he just straight up wouldn’t exist since the only religion is Greek since they can see magic with their own eyes. Another point, most wars historically were caused by religion but now there’s documented immortals who know history and therefore wouldn’t cause religious wars. Political and economical wars are few and in between, literally only 1 human(Torren) has the capability of destroying the world. Cursebeard/Durza destroyed a chunk of it, not the planet.

Edit: Torren is also sealed away btw

For how many years have humans existed in the Arcane Universe?

I was referring to before the last 150 years. Just look at the absolute size of this list:

Seems you didn’t read this.

It also seems an amazing assumption that simply because the truth of the origin of the universe is common consensus that no religions can emerge.

Is there present evidence of the existence of gods currently existing in AO that can’t be rejected as hearsay and legend? I suppose all this means is that in AO, the common consensus for the origin of the universe is drastically more common than on Earth, but what stops others from coming up with shit?

In fact, how many people in AO are even literate? I don’t think that’s something that has been expanded upon. Just look at flat earthers. Denial of truth amidst irrefutable evidence is not an uncommon feat for humanity.

Two thousand years was enough to split Christianity into an uncountable amount of branches, and a good portion of the religion’s history was just people killing other variants of the same religion because heresy.

Same length as humans +600 years

Canons existed before 150 years ago, also magic was only given at Y1

200,600 years?

Yes if that’s how long humans existed +600

Yes there’s literal people alive from Ian’s Cross

Huh. I always thought that shit was like 4000 years.
That length of time just strengthens my point on religion, though.

Nothing except for the fact they all have thought of it as common consensus so far and you’d need to reform a completely isolated island for them not to believe it. Also why wouldn’t they trust the Peacekeeper who gave them homes in WoM(The Peacekeeper isn’t even that ancient)

Not really… Gods were still alive for a long time until Peackeeper killed Hades

Also magic runes are a language, could just translate it, not saying any translations because idk if that’s still against forum rules or something.

I forgot that guns in the AU are basically a one shot even if your a wizard.

wom doesnt function under the same laws the information age does, there is no internet so info like that cant exactly spread