Magic m1s are not needed

i have almost never been hit by bow or gun m1s in my life
interesting case tho, i still don’t think it would be op even in the hands of ppl with godly aim

People who remember balance team trying to forbid weapon-less classess from using gun m1s:


I actually like it, it reminds me of basic arcana from wizard of legend
basic arcana


Having a ranged type m1s does in fact make it different from the other classes, as you pointed out

i don’t care magic needs m1s or not, it’s a new spell and it’s cool and i wanna see how it looks on every magic


a guy i know with good aim and ping can deal like 500-600 in less than a secondbecause he can piercing shot + m1 musket very well

if you know how to use it, m1 musket ( and maybe gun and bow idk ) can be very good

uhhh fuck off who cares die

musket m1 is a high damage almost hitscan projectile with a long reload time
i don’t think magic m1s are gonna be like that, so even if someone is very good at aiming it would still be overshadowed by blast

the only thing magic m1s are gonna change is allowing yet another class to fight on moving ships lol


I like magic m1’s though

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Reminded me of the FF16 ranged attack when I read it

The concept is not to make mage have m1s, in fact that’s something most mages probably won’t even use the feature was made so mages have another option of combat more than blasts at early game as stated by vetex in the trello

if anything, this is making mage MORE different than other classes. having ranged m1’s gives a contrast to fighting style m1’s. it also helps show new players different play styles, like how mage is supposed to be zoning and at range, berserker is for rushing down folks, and how warriors are in between with both types of m1’s.

additionally, if the fighting style stat point req comes through, it’ll bring magic and fighting styles to parity. sure you could argue now that both are more similar since they have their first skill and m1’s, but those first skills and m1’s are completely different.

bringing things to parity is NOT the same as making classes mimic eachother.

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it doesn’t matter

tell me how many times you used m1s as the other classes against anything that isn’t a basic bandit
because they suck ass anyway

vetex intends for it to be an early game option so you don’t wait on cooldowns against the jaw pirates as much, if you’re close enough to use them as a mage, a blast and an explosion or snare will be better anyway

Counterpoint: you also didn’t need to exist

idk why you guys care so much about it

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Probs much shorter range but yeah. Weak damage but good consistency

FF have m1s cause their first skill as at lvl 15, and each punch has damage of a blast, weapons are based on…weapons, and first skill is right before shura.
Wihle magic has already blast.

So this “consistency” breaks with mages have 2 lvl 1 options ; FS - 1 ; Weapons - 3*

This change was suggested even before dark sea, and its related to strength-based class awakening.

Magic m1s are COMPLETLY different from all others spell, blast is good early and late game option, it does it job good, why make worse but spammable blast which will be forgotten after like…lvl 80 (Argos)

refer to the thing below this for strength, weapons are surpposed to be extremely versatile / be the middle ground of magic and fighting styles

until vetex shoots it down, its always possible for it to get in, and the balance team will probably push for it to be added in even more so now. which will bring early game fs and magic to parity.
also where THE FUCK does this say awakening

literally fighting style m1’s:
magic m1’s were added for PRE-lvl 80 gameplay not POST-lvl 80 gameplay.