Magic m1s are not needed

Just because the other classes have m1s, does NOT mean mage needs one, in fact for me the diversity in the classes is what makes them all interesting. the more each classes are changed to mimic the other ones, the less interesting they become.


As a warrior I’m worried mages will have muscle inbalance from moving their legs so much yet not their arms too. :moyai:

Vetex decided so, cry about it

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I mean for consistency, it is logical to add magic m1s to close the gap. But then again do we see people use primarily m1s in the end game? The only time it is going to be useful is in redwake.


Watch as it shatters pvp


The balance team shattered the pvp scene more times than an atlantean brig fleet ruins my runs.


Mages when they try to swing a sword with their flimsy noodle arms and try to throw a punch with their feminine looking posture/stance. (It does not help that they somehow forgot “fighting styles” mf how do you forget how to punch)


Dawg being a mage doesnt necessarly make you physically weak :sob:

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Counterpoint, you can be muscular while still not know how to throw a proper punch, gg ez…

Punch animation:

I mean, mages do not use a lot of physical power to conjure a fucking nuke with their minds. They do not need to be buff if they can literally blow them up without putting any physical work, at all.


Physical movement is still a thing



He can always revert it :slight_smile:

Stun into m1s :drooling_face:

You know perfectly that he wont

Cope and seethe. It’s probably gonna be weak as all heck and will really only be useful early-game. Because let’s be real here—magic is kinda garbage until at least level 30.


it’s probably gonna be useless pass frostmill i mean how often do you see m1s at max level, even ranged m1s like bows or guns

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Exactly. It’s not gonna change the PVP meta, nor will it really affect you past like level 60. Chances are it’ll be weaker than weapon / FS M1s too to compensate for the disjoint.

It’s definitely just me but there was this one guy who kept shooting m1 ardent siren bows at me out of nowhere then finished me off with quickdraw… he said gg ez afterwards (which is true, this was shortly after the release of Dark Sea)

There’s also B_WDareDevil with his gun warlord build, (I think all builds like this use weapon m1 anyway)

I felt like this would become like Gungrave GORE

which is really cool, but I’m not sure if games like Arcane Odyssey would worked.

I remember when they make Grave can run ruins what makes Bunji and Brandon (alive Grave) unique to play with.