Magic m1s are not needed

It actually does, it is for beginners, and mages suck at early game pve.

M1s would be used more if they had actual value over just being used for early levels until Crash and Smash.

It doesn’t help that they’re wonky af, unless your opponent is for some ungodly reason not moving from their spot for over 3 seconds, would you use M1s. The M1 movement is so damn unreliable, and much forse when there’s no floor, as you’ll be flying upwards like a dumbass defying the laws of gravity for a few seconds.

musket fist the upgrade to cannon fist

Actually good fighting style after iron leg

Stop dreaming

ight, THAT ones scuffed


now that I think about it, you dont really need crash at level one. theres nothing really that warrants the ability to fly around, since like most enemies will be right next to you as you beat them to death. by the time you actually get moves, you’ll actually somewhat need them rather than being able to punch shit to death

Crash is basiclly you dashing at enemy fist fists

that’s the old doc, here’s the current one :

Current Doc Link

My dumbass can’t see the difference

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