Magic m1s are not needed

yessir what I did tho was just reset once I got higher level

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I mean, that works just fine, but adding M1s to magic will mean that players dont have to waste their one reset on making the early game less boring and they can save it for important decisions later down the line (especially in future updates where some builds might get screwed over by stat balancing)

same brother
dagger had a tiny hitbox and the jaw pirates jumped right over my blasts.
My punches were the only thing I could use to kill them (after a single blast to aggro them) and I’ve been a warlock ever since.

He also decided to at dark sea lightning

On low levels, FS m1s are the only one that are good.
You can make a point of weapons, but you need to get them from chest and it random.

My main issue is that we already have blasts at level 1, a good spell that is used both at low levels and at high levels.
And now, we are getting magic m1s after years of saying “magic wont get m1s”, and they will now have same fate as any other m1s - will fall off along the progression.

Some people argue that blast cd is annoying, but man, if magic gets lvl 1 option, why we have blasts? Vetex wants consistency, but makes it so magic is the only one with skill unlocked by default.


Blasts are good enough of “m1s”

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The flint lock you get from the blacksmith in redwake does wonders with it’s m1s :]
It has carried me through the fights up until elius pretty much

guns will pretty much carry until cirrus, by then you have a good arsenal of spells

guns and bow is the way to getting elius bruh wdym

I’d honestly say tweak the combat a bit so m1s are slightly viable

All classes should have one skill unlocked by default

and that is m1’s so blast req should be higher??

I don’t think that Magic needs an M1 spell, and that the argument of Magic being limited early-game can be made for Strength builds too, unless if Crash becomes a starting Technique.

Besides m1s? No

There literally doing it in the balance changes

If you mean -30 str

  1. It only applies post awakening.
  2. It was suggested all the way before DS, and got bakcburned by balance team, so good luck.

Oh that’s ass wtf :sob:

from the way it reads, it doesn’t apply post awakening

if its in the awakening section, then that prob because build specific shit generally tends to go there iirc

Gun m1 isnt needed too

ah yes firing a gun is not an essential part of its use, we hit people with guns

this is just someone who’s been spammed by them

Just punch with them like you do with cannonballs already