Magic Tattoos

Magic Tattoos
effort 4.962962962962963 27 quality 4.962962962962963 27 reasonability 4.807692307692307 26

We should rename ‘spirit weapons’ to something else, otherwise it gets boring
How about you make a suggestion about that?

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Another example: Sharkbite
Obtained from killing Alpha White Eyes.
Magic ability: Shark’s Chomp. Summons a shark head out of your magic on the arm with the tattoo, then chomps the target. Kind of like a grab/leap kind of move.
Strength ability: Fin Swim. Basically sword draw: Flash Strike or Sword draw: Mirrored River reskin.
Hitting with the spell first, then the technique (in a 4-second window) would make the Fin Swim ability do more damage, as well as making it have a small hitbox in front of you when the Fin Swim finishes Hitting with the technique first then the spell (again, within the 4 second window) would give the target slowness.

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How about making it like a blueprint thing from ship attachments?

Like, you obtain the paper with shapes and you talk to the tailor or alchemist to equip or unequip it in your skin.

Just ‘equipping’ a tattoos is feels weird, this would make tattos more feel like tattoos,
And adds more uniqueness to tatto system!

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Well yes

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ive been thinking about ways to add magic/str stuff for warlocks because they’re not as cool and this is the best idea ive seen so far

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While I agree and would personally prefer them to be applied like such, my expectations for uniquely made content is in the floor. I fear that if this suggestion goes too far from the design of the game, Vetex won’t even consider it.


The one problem all cool suggestions face: Will vetex bother with coding it?

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"Finally, some good f*cking food"

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Only bad part is it’s so good it risks ruining the other class unique stuff

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That’s what the balance team is for!

… Nevermind, I just remembered what our balance team does to the game’s balance and fun.

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Here are some potential ideas for Warlock Tattoos:

  • White Eye’s Jaws (has teeth and shark motifs based on White Eyes)
  • Eyes of Argus (eye and feather motifs based on peacocks and Argus Panoptes, the many-eyed giant)
  • Smith’s Flames (flame and tool motifs; would be based on Hephaestus)
  • Serpents of Fate (snake patterns running along the arms; inspired by King Minos from ULTRAKILL)
  • Scribe’s Opus (rows of letters and symbols, similar to the ones on magic circles)
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sorry but i have to do it. ahem.


so they’re combo’d. i love this. it’d require quick thinking (probably) and really pin down the “rushdown” idea of fighting styles with a cool imbument twist

so are these considered accessories then? if so i’d hope they still give stats, because sacrificing stats for a move or two wouldn’t be an amazing exchange.

maybe you could equip them as a “weapon” instead, since Warlocks can’t use weapons anyway, and it’d make Savants possibly have to pick between a weapon or a tattoo (which, as a Savant, idk why i’m suggesting to nerf them but nevermind that)

or is it a seperate set of slots :sob: sorry for the questions i’m just real curious

anyway sounds like an amazing idea i would love to use these. also, these could be used to give “useless” areas or characters another reason to be farmed. maybe just some uh… ideas. i’m bored so why not.

Atlantean Tattoo: Has windy, twisty, tentacle-like swirl patterns.
Obtainment: Dropped by some Atlanteans or from Dark Sealed Chests
Spell: Entangle - Shoots out a vine, sort of like a slower beam, reeling in any player it hits (so like if Snare and Beam had a weird love child)
Technique: Brutality - Works like a grab, and when the opponent is hit, grab their head and then pincer them between your arms before batting them away with your arms, causing heavy knockback.

Greenwish Emblem: Has a jagged, leaf-like design.
Obtainment: Dropped from Cernyx (cause his armor isn’t used anymore I heard)
Spell: Rise - Create a quake of magic underneath you (working similarly to Shockwave I imagine)
Technique: Downfall - Works like Crash, sending you flying towards you opponent before you use them as leverage (if they’re airborne), sending them downwards while you go upwards (like footstooling in Smash if I had to make a comparison. sets up for a Smash or a placed Explosion.)

Justice’s Shield: A design holding the Navy emblem.
Obtainment: Probably purchased from Nimbus Sea’s Navy Base or from a “Shady Dealer.”
Spell: Harpoon - Cover yourself in magic and do a movement forwards, acting almost like a spinning blade, magic surrounding you and dealing damage as you go. Duration editable? Would probably carry opponents who are hit with it alongside you.
Technique: Cannonade - Throw both arms out in opposite directions, creating shockwaves and dealing heavy knockback

Assassin’s Blades: A design holding the Assassin flags.
Obtainment: Maybe purchasable from the Nimbus’ Base or from the same “Shady Dealer.”
Spell: Lance - Imbues magic into their hands and dashes forwards, piercing hit opponents and dealing downwards knockback and bleed.
Technique: Greatsword - Imbues magic into arms and does a series of ground slams in a forwards motion (editable probably), with the first acting just like Smash, sending you straight to the ground.

Juraserva’s Secrecy: Blah blah blah you get it.
Obtainment: Yappery
Spell: Journalism (?) - An (editable) amount of teleport strikes which move in the cursor’s direction that work similar to Flash Strike, but in straight, narrow lines with longer distance rather than a wide slash. Would visually look similar to Beast’s Instinct probably.
Technique: I don’t know it’s 2 AM and I’m tired - A grab with an (editable) amount of strikes before sending them flying in your cursor’s direction, flash stepping (?) over to them, and throwing them into the ground (so more badass Rush I guess i don’t know)

Anyway good suggestions i’m too tired and not unique enough to come up with actual good ideas besides designs and obtainment. yap yap yap i do a lot of yapping this isn’t new.

i TRIED (and failed) to make the spells and techniques unique but most of them are just rips of other moves with slightly different twists. Lance is just Rush with Bleed, Greatsword is just forwards-moving Smash, Entangle is just Beam + Snare, etc. etc.

so yeah whatever :sob: i also tried to make the skills combo with eachother as well as i possibly could (typically being Spell into Technique.)

sooooo yeah yapfest over hope you enjoyed i guess, and again, beautiful suggestion i applaud thee :+1:


What do you think about spirit relics rename?

That’s good enough

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I saw savant and instantly had to vote for this


Savant gang for life

if ur not playing as a savant or a warlock then ur not playing AO right :speaking_head: :fire:

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What magic fs and weapons you rocking?