Magic Tattoos

Magic Tattoos
effort 4.962962962962963 27 quality 4.962962962962963 27 reasonability 4.807692307692307 26


magma/thermo/katana or dualies/spear or claws/warshield


I have way too many warlocks… :sleeper:

I plan on making a snow/boxing warlock or an ice/boxing warlock in the foreseeable future out of curiosity depending on if the synergies are in my favor

I remember somewhere that snowy actually did boost boxing I just don’t quite recall where I heard this exactly

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walking art :fire:

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Btw I have a question Warlocks will be able to get a 2nd fs or magic and seeing as these tattoos equip on both a magic and fs at the same time would having a second fs/magic cause problems how do you see it playing out? Like for example if someone has 2 magics will they have 4 ratios on each magic and 8 tattoos on the one fs and vice versa.

No, there would be no issues on the Warlock having multiple fighting styles and magics. Each tattoo is linked to one style and one magic that the player selects when equipping the tattoo.

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And would there be problems with tattoos clashing because someone has multiple tattoo?

They just be two different spell slots for their respective magics and fighting styles. Don’t really see an issue there.

Now, if you mean to ask how the player would visibly equip more than two tattoos (as each applies to an arm), then yeah, you may have a point.

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Aye I mean the 2nd one

I mean, at 2 tattoos, you’d have a total of 4 new moves to work with. Having there be a hard cap could work. I can’t think of another way, as the player can’t “layer” shirts, and we can’t make the player’s torso or legs bare. (Legs because then it would look like they aren’t wearing pants. Torso because some characters are female.)

That said, maybe a torso option could work—we’d just need to add a chest wrap or some kind of top to go along with the tattoo so people don’t start freaking out about the chests of plastic video game women.

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I get the feeling if there was a cap on how many tattoos could be applied 2 could possibly be too little as a Warlock can have a max of 24 moves so the ratio of magic tattoo attacks to normal spells and techniques would be 4:20 but then again if you increase the cap too high for example 16:8 by equipping 8 different tattoos it could make normal spells and techniques that are acquired a bit too irrelevant to the build and people will only focus on using the attacks from the tattoos

In my opinion the cap should be 3-4 tattoos can be applied and within the tattoos option it can be determined if the tattoo is visible on an arm or hidden a max of 2 tattoos can be visible at a time and with 3-4 tattoos being the max there will be 6-8 tattoo attacks which can create a ratio of 6:18 or 8-16

Now let’s say the Warlock acquired a 2nd magic and the maximum of tattoos that can be applied is 3 there arsenal could look like 2 tattoo attacks applied to 1st magic 1 tattoo attack applied to 2nd magic and 3 tattoo attacks applied to fs.

Now let’s say the Warlock acquired a 2nd fs and the maximum was 4 tattoos could be applied there arsenal would possess 4 tattoo attacks applied to magic 2 tattoo attacks applied to 1st fs and 2 tattoo attacks applied to 2nd fs.

yes PLEASE we need this

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Btw just checking I assume the spell part of the tattoos cant be bound to arcanium weapons right?


I mean, I guess a Savant technically could. That said, given the magic and strength requirement, they probably wouldn’t be able to do most of them.

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because i feel like binding a tattoo spell to an arcanium weapon could possibly be extremely broken because you’d be applying magic and strength to magic and weapon and that would probably be a really weird and unfair thing Savants could do



Apparently you guys really like this idea. Guess I cooked for once.





Yeah I think we can all agree it’s gonna keep getting bumped til Vetex adds it. this suggestion must remain immortal