Magic Tattoos

Magic Tattoos
effort 4.962962962962963 27 quality 4.962962962962963 27 reasonability 4.807692307692307 26

changed my mind

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Nuh uh,I re voted

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and it’s 70 again-
ya’ll are just fighting for a funny number

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Yes. Until someone else votes we will fight forever

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Ironically this suggestion has never been bumped by system

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Oh hey I made it the funny number.

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No you RUINED the funny number, get rid of your vote this instant

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No, and I made it funny, somebody else voted after me.

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Also why is effort and quality 4 stars but reasonability 5 when that’s the exact opposite of what you were saying in the thermo topic

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I think the quality and effort are decent, and I really want confirmation for a Warlock special feature.

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Also a variation of this could work for juggernauts…

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I’m down for vitality hybrids getting their own stuff.

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I mean knights can get spirit weapon weapons, paladins could get more emphasis on the “power of the gods” aspect and maybe control or spirit cast or whatever. And juggernauts could get “spirit tattoos”

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knights could get regular weapons blessed with spirit energy
spirit weapon = random object (like necklace, lamp, toy) blessed by a god with spirit energy
normal weapon = thing designed for fighting (like a sword, hammer, or axe)
so imagine a sword blessed by a god with spirit energy as a knight exclusive wep

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Yeah that’s what I said.

Yknow I wonder if you could make spiritanium out of crushed up spirit weapons alloyed with steel…

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That sounds like how FNaF came up with Remnant, which is metal that was covered in dead murdered child and melted down to make more metal.

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nah you just go to poseidon
“Long have we awaited a legacy with your sense of just-”
“yo can you bless this sword please”
“trust me”

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If you want a Promethean Flame spirit weapon you have to go all the way to Stormwall. Yes, in the destroyed part of the Seven Seas.

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Holy shit

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any fire spirit weapon for that matter :skull:
either that or hephaestus

anyways we’re getting off topic go back to discussing magic tattoos everyone please :slight_smile:

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