Magic Tattoos

Magic Tattoos
effort 4.962962962962963 27 quality 4.962962962962963 27 reasonability 4.807692307692307 26

Do we have to?

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Just commit sewer-slide and get hades to bless your weapon for you then leave

Also yeah we should stop derailing

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I like talking about loosely related topics without having to make a new thread. Itā€™s not like we have anything to say about magic tattoos.

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8 minute bump

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6 minute bump

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heck yeah

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10 minute bumpā€¦ feeling a bit rebellious guysā€¦ :smiling_imp:

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2 minute bump, they call me the necroposter of the westā€¦

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4 hour bumpā€¦ they call me the necroposter of the east.

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1 hour bump feeling devious

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4 hour bumpā€¦ gotta make sure I remain undefeated :wolf: :wolf:

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1hr bump

2hr bump :fire:

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1 minute shut up request :speaking_head: :speaking_head: :speaking_head:

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oh hey you got the artist role (1 MINUTE BUMP :fire:)

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This is my most liked topic on the forums, and Iā€™m not even the one who posts here most.:sob:

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nice argument, small issue. 5 minute bump

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Imma counter that with a bump