Magic Tattoos

Magic Tattoos
effort 4.962962962962963 27 quality 4.962962962962963 27 reasonability 4.807692307692307 26

imaginary technique: 7 hour bump

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@everysinglemodinexistence ban this guy for necroposting

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Pretty well written, I like the concept of hybrid classes being encouraged to use their skill set, since quite a few hybrids do it just for the looks and stats, sometimes just ignoring their other half.

That being said, I feel like this starts to run into one issue that’s morso an issue with how arcane odyssey itself works. That being: what about every other class in the game? What if John Odysseus over here is doing some exploring as a juggernaut, and finds this interesting looking thing called Magic Tattoos? It would be completely useless to them, and trading sucks ass to do in this economy, especially since not many people have any use for this in the first place. At least with our current rarest objects, those being lost spells/techniques and stuff like sunkens, you can trade them to much more popular pure builds, and hybrids as well can use these with a bit of investment.

This isn’t possible with the “warlock exclusive” magic tattoos, which would make it much more annoying to just find one randomly. It’s also an issue I have with the concept of strength weapons, because it’s exclusive for purely a single stat build permanently. Arcanium weapons have been mentioned to be usable by mages and warriors, but are less effective than with conjurors. I feel like if the same was applicable for mages and berserkers with these tattoos, maybe giving the two classes the magic/strength side of each skill when used, it could be a way to solve this issue.

Overall, nice suggestion.


Buddy, wait until I tell you that every build other than warlock, knight, paladin, and juggernaut has something or something planned like this.

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Don’t forget about oracle!

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Did I say I like or condone the massive exclusivity of Ancient Magic or Legendary Weapons? Artisan weapons I’ll give a pass since there’s a non-zero chance of them being created rather than found, and magic weapons are made I believe by converting and existing weapon into one (and also still usable by two other classes)

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Oracles have unique rites.

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There’s gonna have to be a price you’re willing to pay for Aethereal Flame.

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That price being 1200 magic

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That’s not nearly as unique as anything else. It’s just stat reqs

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Well, you can easily assume Artisan Spirit Weapons as well, if you’d prefer.

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Bro how the heck would you make a spirit weapon
Wait… we are a legacy and can manipulate spirit…

CAN we make a spirit weapon???

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You really cannot assume that

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no we cannot, only gods can


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Why… why would you make it?
Is this like that Brute Strength thing where people just made up that you’d “make” artisan weapons?

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The word artisan implies we make it (supposedly)

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It really just means that it’s incredibly well-crafted.

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either that or it’s just crafted incredibly skillfully
or it requires incredibly skillful usage (likely due to warrior exclusivity)

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