Magic thought experiment

Adding onto my thinking earlier, when I think of Poison Magic, I sometimes think of it as another Source Magic instead of a Mutation. I don’t know anybody who sees Poison Magic and immediately thinks “Oh yeah, that’s a Shadow mutation.”

Ice and Snow are completely interchangeable. Both are functionally the same, just with one being faster and the other being stronger.

Explosion is like Poison, but to a lesser extend. When I think of the Mutation Chart, I think of Explosion being a Fire and Earth derivitate, not Lightning and Earth.

Clearly we remove fire, wind, light, earth, shadow, lightning, and water for no particular reason.

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AA Elements

:fire_magic: :water_magic_var1: :earth_magic_var1: :wind_magic_var1: :light_magic_var1: :shadow_magic: :lightning_magic_var1:

Ice Magic

:ice_magic_var1: - The next most iconic magic after the 7 from AA

Total So Far

Hot Magics: :fire_magic: :lightning_magic_var1:

Cold Magics: :water_magic_var1: :ice_magic_var1: :question::wind_magic_var2::question:

Solids: :earth_magic_var1: :ice_magic_var1:

Liquids: :water_magic_var1:

Gas+: :fire_magic: :wind_magic_var1: :lightning_magic_var1:

Non-Matter: :light_magic_var1: :shadow_magic:

Remaining choices should include 1 liquid, 1 heat magic, and probably avoid any gas+/cold magics.

Remaining Choices

:magma_magic: - Liquid/Heat
:iron_magic_var1: - Fair choice


  • Acid: “Special”(better suited for lost compared to others), Magma’s better for liquid
  • Ash: Cloudy (not-needed), special, Magma’s better for heat
  • Crystal: Special
  • Explosion: Special, Magma’s better for heat
  • Plasma: Special, Magma’s better for heat
  • Poison: Cloudy(not needed), kinda special
  • Sand: Ok but then it’d be the sole powder-magic (Snow shouldn’t be added imo)
  • Snow: Cold(not needed)
  • Wood: Overlaps with Earth to the extent that it’s not really needed
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fire ain’t gas

Gas +


What exact state of matter Fire(the flame) falls under is debatable anyways I’ve seen valid arguments for gas, plasma, and solid, none for liquid though.

i’d probably keep earth, lightning, water, fire, shadow, light, wind, poison, wood & sand

pretty sure fire isn’t a state of matter but just a chemical reaction

is an explosion a state of matter?

Yeah but when you ask for the state of magic of Fire you’re inherently asking about what state of matter the flame is, which there are answers to.

Nobody asks the state of matter of Fire and then when asked the followup question “do you mean the flame or the chemical reaction” say “yeah I meant the chemical reaction lol”.

It’s the same idea when someone asks the state of matter of Lightning, they mean the bolt, not the “occurrence of a natural electrical discharge of very short duration”.

The logic you’d apply to Fire is the same logic you’d apply to Explosion so yeah it just depends on what you’re asking specifically.

i’d keep all the source magics from aa, and the 3 extras i’d keep would probably be ice, sand, and metal

I meant the flame itself

besides, gas magic in ao is an entirely separate category functionally

i always thought fire was a plasma

Yeah well when you’re talking about the flame itself the exact state of matter is a valid question because it’s a tangible body rather than a reaction (fire is a reaction that produces flames.)

I’ve seen arguments say that due to the way it behaves, it can either be a gas or a plasma, or it could be one-or-the-other depending on how hot the flame is.

Action Lab has also proposed the idea that flames are a solid (if you can’t understand this concept think of ash. Ash behaves similar to a gas but it’s just a bunch of extremely fine solid particles that can float in the air).

AO doesn’t have any defined categories for states of matter, but generally if you want to divide them into accurate categories I’d categorize them as:

  • Solid
    • Powder-Solid
  • Non-Solid
    • Liquid
    • Cloudy
    • Gas+, Spectral

Gas+ includes plasmas but AO has no meaningful distinction between gases and plasmas so it’s just 1 category.

too many worbs for internet argument…


Or spirit each other to death.

I think spirit weapons would fall under “remove all weapons”

I guess you could spirit imbue your fs though

I would delete all of them and keep ice magic wind magic and fire magic.

I can shave it down to 7.
The original 7 source magics in AA, of course
Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Shadow, Light, and Lightning.