Magma Mage build help/advice thread


So I’ve been tinkering around with magma-ash mage. My past builds have been a Zerker and a Warrior, so this is very out of the “combat style” I am used to.

At least from what I have read so far, Mage is a zoning or ranged build. But I’ve been struggling. Magma is very slow and while it could be worse, I’m getting my ass kicked by 968 health glass cannons at Munera.

There’s two things I’ll need help with:

General combat advice (like how to play mage 101 for babies) and gear help.

Gear wise, I am planning for 1.14. I’m trying to mess around with magic size, since magma puddles are amplified by size instead of intensity

Although with size, it takes away from power or defense I could have


This is a build I have in mind right now. Heavy on the damage, a little speed and defense to keep me up.

As much as I like damage I am concerned about attack speed. At what amount would it be in general noticeably more effective? Magma, although not on the same level as Metal, is extremely slow, and requires a little catch-up via stats

Also, what shapes should I use on my attacks? I’m very lost here, as a new Magma Mage player this is super different from the aggressive rushing style of gameplay I had not so long ago.

If anyone responds, thank you so much for helping out a newbie mage. As cool fighting styles and weapons are I just really have an interest in magic, since I haven’t gotten to mess with it to its fullest yet.

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Bumping this because I am desperate

63 attack speed is enough to make a difference. with slower magics I recommend pulsars and using your faster second magic when dealing with someone further away.

In terms of shapes I haven’t finished my mage file yet so I dunno.

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Thanks for the advice, I guess for now I will just have to mess around myself with shapes

I have a little bit of experience with magma mage. I’d try and sacrifice your power for defense, 90 seems real overkill. I usually hear of people running 80 power. For shapes, I run with x-slash on my blast and hammer on all my explosions except my pillar placed one, which is greatsword. In terms of playstyle, I’m not very good at mage, so I can’t really help. But in theory, I believe you’d want to try and stay a bit closer to make good use of your magma magic, as it’s quite slow. I’ve heard of a playstyle called “rushdown mage” which probably would work good. I think it’s described in this post: Pvp tips from 500+ hours of playing ao


Definitely using this info, thank you!

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