Maintenance Of Armors And Accessories

Maintenance Of Armors And Accessories
effort 2.2 10 quality 1.7 10 reasonability 1.166666666666667 12

the sisyphus punishment was funny until he started going on about how it should be mandatory

our stats are already extremely high for such a low level, we dont need yet another thing to keep track of to have the highest stats. twas enough to go from rare enchants and rare gems to exotic enchant, exotic jewels and those pesky modifiers
and anyway people dont typically like pointless durability systems

the durability system is just a negative, and if the main point of this suggestion is the defence buff then we’re already getting a huge one

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Me when I’m doing frostmill chart and trying every patch of snow, and my armour fucking disintegrates from the single arrow hits of frostmill bandits over and over:

Please cook in the the kitchen
NOT forge armor in the kitchen please

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they should make a new rule on suggestions that revoke your suggestor perms if ur suggestions are really bad for constantly 3 times in 1 month

skibidi toilet ahh suggestion

Deepwoken ahhhh suggestion

The idea of us needing to maintain our armor kinda breaks once u take the dark sea into account. Even before then it just seems teadius and unnessasiary.

If u we had this u would get weaker and weaker durning dark sea expeditions and even if it is not intended u will atleat on a small level feel like ur are being punished for staying longer in the dark sea. That can seriously impact how the dark sea feels.

The suggestion is written good but the idea just doesnt fit AO. Being punished for getting into many fights is a deepwoken thing not an AO thing.

hence, injuries in their current form being better than the planned injury idea

I’d rather global hp buff than making minmaxing more painful
I also don’t wanna resource manage my armor
just isn’t fun for a exploration and combat based game nor does it fit

Forums should we castrate him for this?

  • Yeah
  • Nah
0 voters

would we be able to fix armor ourselves

you can beat calvus no defence builds people do it all the time… even with pre dark sea content you could melt his hp with bow

@Breaded_Butter here’s another reason why aside from the added more lag to the already lag, i was trying to be constructive and help you for your future suggestions, this isn’t your own solo project game, there’s a playerbase reputation to uphold and we don’t want unnecessary complicated things to worry about constantly, do YOU even want that? we just don’t think you’re thinking your suggestions through, like can you picture it in the game for the next 5 days, 5 months, 5 years? don’t you see the burden and backlash you’re asking and putting on the playerbase?


breaded is about to make a suggestion “give me 999 headless and specil magic”

you guys are making fun of him too much! send him helpful words!!


This is literally the least of the issues with this suggestion. Everyone actually did give you feedback by the way, it’s just you didn’t want to listen to it until someone gave you a very basic one you couldn’t “dispute”.