Maintenance Of Armors And Accessories

Maintenance Of Armors And Accessories
effort 2.2 10 quality 1.7 10 reasonability 1.166666666666667 12

ur giving everyone the same amount of defense

and to keep that defense boost they need to micromanage 5 armour items

Ah, they wouldnt be the same amount of defense, the numbers given are just examples but the durability is universal

ok so this suggestion is basically the dirt and tanning features but it actually impacts gameplay and debuffs you if you don’t micromanage it.

if this isn’t an intentionally bad idea what is it?

everyone has access to the same gear

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sad thing is some of my own suggestions have done better

Key word, intentionally, my intentions we’re good because I want to give players more defense but it shouldn’t be free. Going by your logic, if you think what someone made is bad, then they intentionally made it bad which isn’t even true :fr:

Again, you’re free to your own opinion ig

Giv me moar defencse >:)

this just feels like a suggestion to annoy literally everyone, it’s like asking to make water poisoning lower your max hp until you leave the dark sea

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Until you brought it up I never even said these ideas were written badly intentionally, nor do I think they were written without effort.
I’m under the impression you’ve just written up every single idea you’ve had without any thought whatsoever beyond “meh, if its bad, that’s vetex’s call”.

Simply being that you only say the suggestion is bad without even criticizing it. Yeah man, I am totally gonna improve this suggestion after you called it bad in your opinion.

There is nothing to improve here, why should any form of armor durability be added?

What does it add to gameplay?
Will players enjoy interacting with it?
Is it worth the effort to be implemented?

Because you are forced to run a mid-high defense build just to fight bosses, if the difficulty after Calvus keeps going up, then people would need to change their gameplay that they are conformatble from.

Great idea, let’s add another galleon sink and a buff for defense! It’s not like Vetex has been trying to tone both of those down!

… oh wait a second.

This idea straight up adds even more stuff to maintain for high stats. We’ve had this problem since jewelcrafting and it was made way worse from the Dark Sea’s enchants. We have enough bloat and grind. To suggest we add more is both counter to what the developer and playerbase wants.


I don’t know about everybody else, but I think the game encouraging you to not run one singular stat is probably a good thing.

I fought Calvus was a 200 defense build and won, solo. Honestly, I’m willing to bet that after half a dozen tries, I could beat him using a build with no defense.

You don’t need high defense to win against most NPCs. It definitely helps, but so does power. Suggesting we add yet more ways to bloat our stats is going to ruin balancing even more than its already been ruined.

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But the game isn’t pvp focused though? Pvpheads are in the minority of the playerbase because shockingly, the game is focused on pve.

the hell does that have to do with anything I said?
also no.

That’s cool, you have skills but considering a lot of people struggled with Calvus on release says otherwise and proves my point that players needs more survivability stats.


omg people struggled against the game’s current hardest boss in a combat system half the playerbase was completely unfamiliar with, who woulda thought.

have you considered the possibility that PvE encounters aren’t supposed to be solely stat checks?
maybe the game having a challenge ISN’T a bad thing, perhaps???