Make it so that things like losing limbs, getting scars, and breaking limbs are permanent, and that once your character dies you don’t respawn and you have to rejoin and make a new file. Losing a limb is unhealable, but a new NPC called a doctor can repair other injuries. The injuries take 30 ingame days to heal, and for it to really be 30 ingame days you literally have to sit down and do nothing(no running or jumping as it can worsen the injury)
Getting hit with an bladed weapon causes profuse bleeding
Every play and humanoid NPC has 100 HP no matter what, and armor is the only thing that increases the stat. Wearing armor makes you move slower.
Remove dashing from the game. This is replaced by a combat roll.
Remove all parts of the menu, including the map and settings, except for the inventory. If you want a map or a compass, you have to buy one from a shipwright NPC.
Players can only hold 2 items in their inventory, and have to buy an actual backpack to access the full inventory. The backpack can hold a maximum of 20 items.
Guns now one shot all humanoids, and CAN one shot monsters with a hit to the eye/head.
Ships are even slower than they are before.
Blocking has a 50% chance to break your arm each time you block. Using a shield L O W E R S this chance to a 10% chance to break your arm.
Doctors are only found on Palo Town, Ravenna, and Redwake. If you get a broken arm across the map, you have to get someone to drive you to the town. They also have to know how to navigate since there is no map.
You cannot drive ships with a serious injury(missing limb or bad cut). You can drive ships with a broken limb, but it will make turning the ship much slower.
M1s take stamina to use. Weapon skills no longer exist.
You cannot T jump anymore.
Magic does still exist, but it takes 5 seconds to use prepare a spell.
Running takes stamina to use.