Make horrible ideas for AO


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what about inferno
oh wait infernal


Volatile (food)

A ship with a cannon on the back of it.


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Water/poison/any liquid magic instakills all curse users, seawater bottles can be used at close range to instakill them too, sailor’s fist does, rain does, terrain becomes wet when it touches any water/rain (5m) and if a curse user touches wet terrain they instantly die too, etc.
also good luck getting off the starter island if you somehow start with a curse/if you want to go back to it for completion
Also add a moisture meter to the air and if it gets above a certain (low) amount, curse users die
Also sunken armor spawntraps you and sword spawntraps you if you equip it (and instakills if you get hit by it)
also infused/arcanium things
:sweat_drops: :skull:
wait can players have curses


isn’t pyronical your brother? couldn’t you just go up to him and slap him saying “What have you been doing while i’ve been testing? You know curses aren’t obtainable!”

A button to toggle pvp (You’ve heard of this before)

Yeah I’ll do that when I get home

dont add any cooldown or inability to use it in combat in order to make it worse

W sibling

also just make curses be playable too lol

its to late



give the game one piece logic so magic users can’t swim or take damage in oceanwater

what about sailor style in warlocks?

fighting styles don’t take damage, neither do weapons.

actually speaking of weapons, you can throw any weapon of your choice into a shallow part of the sea, and after a few hours ingame, your weapon will become a sunken.

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