Make horrible ideas for AO

add taxes

Lava mages now have a random chance to explode, this explosion does twice as much damage as the mage’s max hp.

A new freshie killing tax, killing a low level player now causes the offender to lose all their money.

Typing “Deepwoken” in the chat will now cause the player who typed it to be hit by lightning.


free badge lol

Wait, hang on. This one’s legitimately good—the church of Iris and the Cult of Carina will be completely wiped out in a matter of minutes.


Add item wiping if you trade a level 120 item to a lower level file

players and npcs now ragdoll on death and you have to DEEPWOKEN GRIP THEM to get a kill.

every time you grip you get disconnected

It will now rarely rain sharks.

Butter magic added.

Cannons now have a chance to misfire, damaging the ship.

Add the Kraken from AA and preferably make him spawn near Dawn island

:laughing: :laughing: :sob:
