Make notebooks "ownerless"

Make notebooks "ownerless"
effort 3.666666666666667 3 quality 4.75 4 reasonability 5.0 5


Details/background on your proposal

this is tangentially a bug but still would probally help reduce lag. basically when upgrading a navigator/enchantor and have notebooks from mutiple people it will pick one stack and try and draw from that. if there is a insufficent ammount then it fails saying you need more (not counting the other stacks)
a easy fix would be to make notebooks ownerless. this also could potentially help increase load times a bit

Reason to add/change

partially a bug fix. partially a small QOl thing. afterall it is not like that information is needed when you place a note

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Yeah, it’s so annoying to say I’m missing x notebooks for an upgrade when I got a 24 stack that’s flat out ignored.

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What are they using that many notebooks for anyway? Do they need to write a 500 page essay before they can get better at their job?

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note taking and a lot of maths (I assume nav is a math-heavy field, and alchemy probally has a ton of notes and various interaction. I mean have you seen a art students notebook)


also speaking of notebooks. I have been playing since the update dropped. and I have not found ONE noteboook. I have found gear for all my various deckhands but not 1 book

this should also apply for all tools except enchanted ones, like shovels and fishing rods

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Same for repair hammers and other stuff
I made a suggestion on the balancecord a couple days ago about this
I have a stack of 4 repair hammers and a stack of like 30 but it chooses the 4 one


ooh this is why someone did a trade request of 1 notebook for 400 gal

oh what was his name? i think i overpayed for a notebook lol

probally me. since IIRC I did try to buy 2 notebooks for 800 galeons

Also, I genuinely don’t think this would help. Even items that don’t show an original owner sometimes won’t stack because they weren’t obtained by the same player, or something changed internally. This would just start another stack of notebooks and exacerbate the problem.

no I mean remove all owners and make them act like they were bought from a merchant I put ownerless in quotes because IDK if there is a offical name for items without a originally owned by text
it would apply retroactively

i forgor

yeah it’s really annoying when you have more than 10 notebooks in total but they’re split into stacks of less than 10 so you can’t upgrade your deckhand :skull:

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