Man, I'm an RKer. I hate the infamy system

Have you never met me? I was always like this.

Anyway, his “argument” is that he hates how he feels obligated to RK for the sake of his guild instead of for fun, to which I say grow a backbone and learn self control 'cause you’re in no way obligated to do anything for your guild. Everything is an argument, dude.

Only ogs remember nice Macobre :sunglasses:

cap :frcryin:


I’m nice if you’re nice, but don’t be down right stoopid

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If someone enjoys having a higher place on the leaderboard then there technically is a reward which is enjoyment, plus, the war would be the conflict between people who want to not be bothered against the people who want infamy, and the victory to be achieved is obviously for the one who wins the fight.

fuck you mean you were always like this hell no you weren’t, this is the first time I see you jumping on a thread and acting like a know-it-all while taking e v e r y t h i n g in this post at face value, also wasn’t this your amigo or something at one point bro

yeah learn self control only to get kicked because 99% of guilds do that shit if your infamy % is too low or some other dumbfuckery that amount to nothing in the end

ah yes great

since when is making the minority feel great at the cost of making the majority suffer a good reward

Okay, so you’ve never seen me have an argument and now you’re a little taken aback. Coolio, this is me in this specific context. And if I act like a know-it-all it’s probably just 'cause I’m trying to be polite and people aren’t used to that. I’ll happily admit when I’m wrong or drop a dead argument.

Lol, I guess fuck the guild then, right? Sounds like a crappy environment in that case, why’d you want to stick around there? In which case, all I gotta say is stop complaining since it’s still your choice by the end of it

To an extent, I get that, though my circumstances are still very different.

I don’t like to RK. Never have liked it. However, my guild needs to grow in order to take in more members and access perks in the future and currently the only way to do that is to RK.

Sure, I feel sorta bad for not contributing, but I still stand by my belief of not RKing because doing so just leaves such a sour taste in my mouth that dwarves and satisfaction I could get from contributing to the guild.

My guild (Spellbreakers) has actually been very accepting of my stance on this. I cant stay in the ingame guild because of the limited players slots and serious need for infamy but I’m still treated as a proper member and welcome in their discord.

I suppose what I’m trying to say is that if your guild refuses to let you play the game your way, they probably arent the best to be with. That, and you should never let guild obligations override your own personal playstyle and enjoyment. So, you shouldn’t feel as though you need to murder everyone you see. Play the game as you did before the guild update.

Didn’t say it was supposed to be a good reward. And I personally don’t like the amount of RKing that there is right now but it doesn’t mean that it’s truly wrong to do.

yea I’m taken aback by the ‘‘shut the fuck up’’ background noise your replies have been having

not your forced politeness :fr:



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Idk what to tell you, man. I’m aggressive in an argument. Take it personally or don’t.

'tis my din-din time, bye

This tread was better than netflix
Going off @liu said, if you don’t enjoy the game and feel that your guild is forcing you to play in a certain way that is not to your enjoyment, it’s most likely not the best guild to be with. If you insist on staying with them, it will truly be your fault and you won’t gain any sympathy.

Yo you got the developer to recognize you, You’re that op, glad you’re my ally lmbo

Imagine using lmbo instead of lmao

im a god damn lmbo master, don’t you dare mock it

i don’t have bones so i just slide under the bar like a liquid

:flushed: All I want to do is play the game

No, ganking and RK'ing only

A bit late to the party ey? As a fellow RK’er I don’t really have the same issues as you. If you feel that obliged to help your guild just go and take a break until theres more way to gain infamy. Until then; feel bad or don’t feel bad about it; kill someone or don’t. If the update has taken this toll on you, take a fucking break. Vetex is going to add more way to get infamy later. Now if you’ll excuse me, Ill go ahead and attempt to purge a server.

Man, I’m a mass murderer and being hunted in a little over 57 different countries. I was a murderer before I had to go on the lamb and back then I killed sometimes, sometimes I didn’t feel like it, sometimes I felt like giving them a heads up. Having to go on the lamb makes me have to kill people is much more just to “not get caught.” Man, I really hate the legal system. This is a joke for legal reasons

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You’re under arrest