Man, I'm an RKer. I hate the infamy system

if this topic gets out of hand again pls lock it thx :blue_heart:

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Also I love how this started as a serious thread about infamy and then turned into… this

macobre and his random counter arguments for every post ever

This is why I said “I’ve always been like this,” y’all just never seen me argue ig

her, pls

this is factual

ok then i guess

Macobre does have a point. Also, the RKers could just give the cash that the victims lost. It’s that easy. If the RKers just give back the cash, RKing wouldn’t really be toxic.

fuck no, I RK everyday and I’m not giving anybody my shit >:c

Proves the point further that the infamy system is just an excuse to RK.

If they really hated the infamy system they would give the cash back. Not to mention, infamy is pretty much useless.

Maybe, but I’ve been rking before the guild update, shit I’ve also been rking in every game that you can kill people, it just fun when there’s nothing else to do and the reaction you get from the player is funny :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


You know where you are going, I assume.

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