Marketplace & Clans

Yeah formatting on disc posts sucks too

Although this matters not, I really dont think this is a good idea.

Thereā€™s not many people who even want to talk in the Vetcord, Itā€™s always either filled with sexual harassment / arguing / or name calling (I had to watch a guy call Maplestorm ā€œmapledickā€ a thousand times a few days ago). Because of all of this, me personally, and countless others do not want to have to talk in the Vetcord to the extent of getting level 10, just so we can use an advertising channel that looks no better than a simple marketplace channel in my clan server.

If staff insists on pushing this out, at least do better with your server. Itā€™s really really disappointing to see this coming from Vetexā€™s community.


I may bring shops back only, but right now we are doing a test run with this first and see how it goes. IMO if formatting is your issue you could just make images to show your stuff in a specific way.

regardless, as i stated before, most posts on said categories on this forum were one off stuff. Not necessary for a forum about deep thought and discussion.

Why should the forums only be about deep thoughts and discussions anyways. Unless its some issue with way too many posts being made?

You joined 2 days ago? Im not sure your opinion on this stuff matters as much as everyone elses.

well thanks for giving our very sad and depressing discussion a read :dancer:

shops will get flooded with one off trades here on the forums if you re-add shops. though idk a work around unless you do what i said earlier and make it verified traders only (theres only 2 or something atm?)

also what nuc said about discussions

This is a new account, Iā€™ve been on the forums since around when it released.

Its the whole point of a forum. otherwise it would just be a discord channelā€¦

Verified traders earned that role via their activity and reputation in said category, if the category is brought back and only for shops, how would we give that role out. It would be very hard to determine this.


If you have suggestions Im glad to take them, but just saying its shit is not going to help. I literally just took the marketplace from this website and brought it over to discord with the same tags.

yeah thats what i was thinking. theres not much we can do, that idea i gave was very much begging for the role lol i apologise
im just trying to think of a way where yall can add back the shops catagory here and limit the amount of junk (mainly because i had a shop here and im a little bit annoyed that its been hidden/deleted). i def see what you mean by forums being ā€œdeep thoughtsā€ and such. however, i think its cool that there was an easily accessible marketplace, with formatting and easy editing, with little barrier unlike vet lvl 10
i hope you do just give what my very stinky opinion some thought while we wait out this trial period :+1:

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For the time being ill re-open the forum marketplace until i can talk to vetex if hes okay with two open at the same time. Imo it just doesnt make sense to keep both open & it doesnt make sense to one shot posts on the category.

In defense of Discord, they arenā€™t a forum service by any means. Their text formats and whatnot are also not nearly as expansive as what the forums can offer. Iā€™d just say work with what ya got format wise, I tried my best and mine still looks kinda mid.

Canā€™t do Big text, canā€™t insert images in between text lines, the max length of a post is shorter (not a big deal but something). Forums offer more intricate functions like tables.

Canā€™t even update photos. When you edit a forum post you can edit every detail about it but you cannot do nearly the same with a discord post; which is probably the biggest limit format wise. Itā€™s too constrictive. Makes shops look like shit.

The format for the category itself is actually fine imo.

totally not a plug

This doesnā€™t look bad. My only gripe is no photos since those can sometimes really help out but this does not look terrible, itā€™s the actual posts themselves that look like shit.

Iā€™m for this change, or at least not against it, but the lack of format options does suck and pictures can only do so much when they canā€™t be updated to show the constantly changing stock.


yeah i def see that vet is trying to add more cool things to vetcord, but i dont think marketplace should be one. for one-off trades, sure. but not like stores n such

This overall is pretty much everyones gripe with it.

Sadly not something that can be changed.

And thereā€™s still the lack of moderation in the Vetcord which can easily be improved upon, just so countless individuals dont have to be harassed or a witness to harassment of their friends. (Speaking from experience)

These are valid reasons, we will consider keeping a marketplace on discord and web forum open, but I need to speak to vetex about this. its very redundant to have both, and I want to avoid one off posts that just become spam.


Surely having 1 category for 1 off posts shouldnt be a big deal

But thanks for considering our opinions in this matter. Personally id like to see both being kept but the most important thing is to at least keep #shops