Massive L

Don’t understand why this is such a controversial topic. Out of everything in the game people can get into a heated discussion over, it’s the topic of a player marker?

Honestly, chill the fuck out. If you can use a compass, more power to you, but stop insulting and hating on people who struggle with it. I’ve seen a ridiculous amount of compass users like you who just keep spamming “skill issue”, spamming insults, calling people names, and telling people to quit the game if they don’t like the navigation, it’s just dumb. Seriously. Stop throwing a temper tantrum over the fact that not everyone is as good at the game as you. Some people struggle with compass navigation and it’s totally fine, there’s no need to throw around insults and be overall toxic.

If you want my opinion, I think this is a good change. Although I had no problems with the navigation, I have friends who play on shitty laptops who need to run the game at low graphics setting, meaning they basically have zero sense of direction since they can’t see distant islands/landmarks. This actually now makes the game playable for them.


why the fuck are you so angry.
name one negative impact this change has.

if you hate the player marker so much just turn it off, there’s literally a setting for that in the map.


Some people really do forget that others have a life and don’t want to dedicate themselves to becoming a master navigator in a roblox game.

Arcane Odyssey player when Vetex listens to the community and does a completely harmless change to the game to make life easier for players (unacceptable behavior)


shouldve just added an N over the red part of the compass so people would understand it works like a real compass

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Average WarmWater W

You are so right about those children complaining. They just can’t get themselves to learn how to use a map. It was fun while it lasted. Here is a funny argument I had with some of those people yesterday lmao


i don’t get why every topic on the matter has people tearing each other limb from limb, it’s almost mind baffling how a player marker can cause so much toxicity

personally i’m on the fence,
it’s nice having a player marker since not everyone runs on 5+ graphics and you can actually reorient yourself at night or in heavy fog,
and having to use the compass is a pretty thrilling experience when you have to figure out directions on your own

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light mode user opinion invalid

The main issue I had was discovering islands, as the fog was a bit to large causing me to repeatedly overshoot and miss land.

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So you’d be fine if quest markers were removed, right? You’d have to learn the map after all. Or is it that you just want kids to struggle with navigation?

I just love seeing people suffer

In case you couldn’t tell, this is a joke

Vetex just had to add them because he got a massive amounts of complaints. Like, a lot of complaints. I still think it would have been better without them, but at this point, he had no choice.

As long as theres an option to not have it on, it should be fine since people can have their personal preference.

Why should I as a player inconvenience myself if it’s already in the game, fluect had an argument like why not readd flight, you could always choose not to use it, it’s a similar(albeit stretched) argument to not use the easier option or to give a choice when one makes the game far easier

The flight argument is a little redundant since you arent given flight for free like you are the player marker, and a lot of players seem to want to have no player marker. Instead its similar to having a normal and easy difficulty in a game. People who want normal difficulty will choose that, while people who want an easier time will choose easy difficulty.

It’s just that people made such a big deal out of it and overexaggerated the situation to the point where it was almost funny to watch.

I also wanted to see where I was on the map, but I I just kept that opinion to myself instead of crying to Vetex. After reading some of the replies on why people want it so badly I realised it’s really not needed and it’s just for convenience purposes, and nothing else. And to be honest, after reading a bit I started to realise what Vetex’s intentions were, and I looked at it from a different angle. Exploration and navigation was actually enjoyable for me once I realised that getting lost at sea is a part of the game and should be expected.

Because you prefer it to not be there?

You know the community is super toxic when a hate thread about an optional feature gains traction

that dudes trollin bruh

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It was cool but annoying as shit. I don’t want to use a compass every time I lose my boundaries. Also discord light mode :skull: