MC Server Thread

How tf do I accept the invite or whatnot?

press minecraft realms, then at the top theres a button to check your invites

where, unless I am just dumb

not your fault, it just doesnt show up sometimes. keep backing out and going back in until you see a mail icon right at the top and center

actually that might not work either, just press F11 twice and then it should come up.

that did it, odd, okay though

It’s weird, but it worked for Misinput and I as well


Frocking disconnects me every 3 seconds

Hey. I want to join.
Minecraft IGN is Shellseawing

Also xp go br

fancy. Has anyone bothered killing the ender dragon yet?


Will add whenever I can get on

You made a zombie farm? I found a spawner almost directly under spawn but I haven’t done anything with it yet



Btw soon I gotta go on a mass genocide on cows for my etable

A lot, I had to kill like 10 because they were starting to clip out of the pen. I’m thinking about moving or killing all the sheep because I have a resource pack that makes the cows quiet but not one for the sheep, so it’s very loud and annoying :slightly_smiling_face:

I got like 30 leather lmao also you can just breed and kill the cows in my pen for leather, just leave a decent amount so we can rebreed