Merlot is kinda impossible rn

i mean, he does kinda a LOT a of damage, especially in such a small enclosed space is that just annoying

but he uses the teleport moves from claws, so that kinda just fucks it up.

kids name explosive barrels:
(im a bad rep)

Merlot flinging the random person doing cargo halfway across the Bronze Sea.

sorry, i’m not cringe


ok yeah naw, why did vetex EVER think putting the dude that has BIG ASS attacks that do millions amount of damage in an enclosed space where you CAN only get hit, while also having to fight 5 other people 2 of which probably will take away a good chunk of your health.

and then even outside of that space the island itself is also shit to fight on.

based Vetex moment

Yeah, kinda dumb to make an opponent like that fight you in the world’s smallest office

Try fire or plasma magic
Or just take him outside

good point, screw berserkers and warriors lol

ah yes, just use a completly different built or have to make a new character, such a nice normal thing

and as i said, the outside isn’t the best either, if you SOMEHOW can even get him outside.

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Where do you try to lead him when going outside, since I can consistently get him to the entrance mostly unharmed and just stand on a ledge above him

i come from the side entrance as the main one is obviously not possible, can’t get him outside cuz the stairs are just gone and by the time he might be outside the other dudes probably respawned and now also attack me (again 2 of those are actually threatening)

I’m sort of confused on what is going on with your attempts, I generally just aggro him and run to near the main entrance and he just follows and I don’t have to worry about the other assassins respawning

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had a try, very much bullshit stuff happening (uploading a vid rn, so you can see that i’m probably just bad) (done:

second attempt did go better, still quite unfun, but oh well, he like 1 hit away and he flings me away…

Ah, that would explain why you had difficulty, you are leading him out of a different entrance than I do. There is a ledge above the entrance at the docks that allows you to be almost completely safe while not attacking.

could you send a photo or smth?

Give me a few minutes I will need to actually head over there to get a good picture

Here is where I take him, he can still destroy the ground that I’m standing on here but you can move to the sides and most of the time you are much safer.
The picture doesn’t really show it that clearly but it is by the docks.