Meta is good and you have a skill issue

Meta this.
Meta that.

Have you ever meta fucking bitch before stfu god damn.
Nobody cares about meta builds except for people trying to get into leaderboard by using the easiest builds to use (Warlord, Mage, Warrior, etc)

Also I hate to inform you but by the time we hit level 250 and higher. Builds ain’t gonna mean shit

And I dont mean that in a sense that it will be a braindead spamfest, I mean that by the time we hit level 250, Everyones gonna be doing the same relative ass sum of damage.

You dont NEED to use the meta, NOBODY needs to use the meta. That “meta” you like to dickride so much will eventually be changed again, and again, and again.

Just play the fucking game and pick your fucking class.