Mimetic Fist

Mimetic Fist
effort 4.0 2 quality 4.5 2 reasonability 4.5 2

It would be dropped by the Rouge Disciple after you beat them in a fight. Its basically a fighting style which attepts to use all fighting styles, although much weaker than they are. The synergies would also have to be weakened.
Its moves would have an option to choose which fighting style it should imitate. For its focus, it would blend the auras together into a rainbow aura whoch would give whichever stat was chosen a decent buff.

This style was developed by a fighter who just couldnt quite master any of the fighting styles he tried to learn. He then realized that because he hasnt focused completely on 1 aspect of a figilhting style, he would be able to blend those aspects together.


I really like the concept. It just screams being a Lost or Ancient form of Basic Combat instead of its own Fighting Style, though, and I don’t know why.

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i really like the idea of a lost version of a Basic Combat Style

savant fighting stlye, sounds cool

Why not?

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