Minecraft Warden Mob Health Now Matches Arcane Odyssey Warden Build Health



warden vs joe

No, the universe would collapse :flushed:

Only this universe, not others
niceman: sings Baka Mitai ~ Cenozoic survival discord meme - YouTube

Phew I was worried there for a second

Wait… we’re in this universe

I know

Is it worth it though?


no universe destroying will happen today

(maybe tomorrow doe, idk)

We can destroy the universe once 1.19 drops, the Warden literally comes out of the freaking ground I hate it so much :sleeper:

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So technically it’s considered a boss mob? 500 health is a lot and is 25 times more that a player. It better have some sort of good loot :nod:

It doesn’t drop anything


Looks like I’m packing my bags and heading to Sweden :airplane: :sweden: 🏃‍♂ :luggage:

Yeah, purpose of the warden is so that you sneak around it and run away

The loot you want is in the chests in the Deep Dark

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You just know people are going to find ways to avoid using stealth. For instance, perhaps you could spawn an army of iron golems to distract or even kill the warden (I’m definitely going to try that). [EDIT]: I just remembered, the wither attacks all mobs that are not undead. Considering the fact that the warden has more health and does more damage than the wither, it might actually be viable to summon a wither and team up with it to kill the warden. Killing the wither afterwards would be easy by comparison.

stealth moment

Warden would kill you and the iron golems before you could summon more of them, it doesn’t really take that much knockback and does like 40 damage

@Hat It has a sense of smell, stick around and it’ll still find you :slight_smile:

the only thing it’ll smell is my fear

…which is true, i might have to find another way

I don’t think killing the Warden is a viable option, better to just run away unless you’re doing it for the style points

…But I AM going to kill it for the style points. :sunglasses:

Good luck

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