"Minotaur, I can't kick your ass if I don't come closer."

heh we haven’t succeeded so you’re good

yeah, you haven’t cause no one finds them funny
it’s a dead meme that died like a year ago, like do you know da way meme
what im saying is: you’re emberrasing yourself, just stop please

wait wut, i just like the meme im not spamming it

Bruh, this is the most liked art post on the forum.

Yes, this is a contributive and relevant reply to the topic. Just look at the likes yourself.

Damn. Guess people like JoJo references.


Nobody I know likes jojo but we all appreciate the references. Great drawing!!!

Art at its peak

I don’t get it either I did this in like 40 min as a shitty joke lmao

40 minutes?

dang that’s amazing

Oh yeah. Ressurecting this.
Reason: Cool af art piece.

@anon50359812 Za Warudo

woah that is a lot of like

Now, THIS. was good.

lol yeah…


btw apparently on this forum 7 day late comments are considered necrobumping…

eh it’s not too bad imo.

Ehh, this post deserves some necromancy, its fine.

ye bro it’s amazing

great memes never die

imagine visiting a post from over a year ago and necrobumping it

and 5 years from now, when I remind myself to come back here? I’ll necrobump what I had already necrobumped

Can’t wait to see this post once again after the possible influx from AO