Mirage's doodle thread

Anyone can throw a sword, but it takes practice to properly use one

This is where Vetex’s lore & gameplay clash heavily once again.
Technically, classes don’t even exist in the Arcane Universe (Or Shallowsea Universe, if you wanna be technical with an old name we got for it) and you can use anything + magic, and you’ll need to imbue your magic onto other stuff to make it stack up to magic users

This point is where it gets insanely technical, as now we’re talking about a weapon made with magic. BUT, we do have answers:
Because Magic cannot permanently create things, unlike Sea Curses, it’ll cost Diane energy to maintain the sword for a longer period of time than the rubble would normally last. Also, mages could probably conjure swords and swing them in the air and not have to worry about technical skill; so, a strictly magical skill.

…Also, like what @MrYes said. Takes practice to use a sword right.


I personally consider the class system to just be a way to easily visualize what a character focuses on when it comes to combative skills

that’s good, diane is probably too reckless to be trusted with a permanent weapons anyways

plus, its way more fun to just throw swords around than actually strategizing your attacks

She’s probably not at the level with her magic to be able to create complex forms yet though, so her obsidian attacks look more like she’s hurling a low poly pinecone at you


this option makes no sense because of the ability of powerful mages waterproofing their magics meaning that her species would just be really shitty at using magic

makes the most sense, would probably a mutation of water and magma?

I dunno, maybe the epicenter or the dark sea in general fucks up some magics so much that it mutates into a different form like glass —> obsidian or lightning—> angy lightning and shit like that

Drew another funni. Liked the one with Kaden and her more but this one’s still kinda goofy.



they are so batshit insane what an incredible duo

I mean, she is pretty shitty with her magic, but yeah, leave it to me to accidentally make contradictory lore to the source material whenever i think i have a cool idea :fire: :fire:

never let me cook

keep cooking, as long as you aren’t having your oc cooking food you won’t burn down the kitchen

nah we just read too much fucking lore (and barely have lives) :100:

okay, cooked a bit more

here’s some design details that helps with making sense of my doodles (subject to change. a lot.)


I guess she’s not all ears

lowkey her blindfold looks like frozones mask

I’m lowkey surprised she doesn’t always wear the blindfold, considering the sun hurts her eyes.

She tends to use her hair to block out most of the suns rays, or just stays inside or under the water

But she does use the blindfold casually too, i just usually dont depict her with it so i could draw her stupid looking eyes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

i think eventually she just kinda gets used to the bright light, and instead of straining her eyes, she kinda only gets inconvenienced by the blurriness.

The Snek Tails look like snacks that a snake would snack on in the snow while drinking a milkshake.

(Say that 5 times fast I dare you)

cringe warning

can’t sleep so i drew them sleepy

(this one is older)


im very sorry you have to see me this way, i’ll make a horrific abyss sea art topic soon to make up for it :pray:

bro how am I getting progressively more scared the more I look at the first drawing :sob:

some shit about bros face is on another level of uncanny :sob:

pls try to convey whats wrong with it bc i’m trying to figure it out now too :sob:

how do i manage to fuck up julians face every time (he deserves it)