Mirage's doodle thread

Would cave his skull in with a mace

The fact you went out of your way to do this is fucking hilarious

and goes to show how blind our resident combatative feminine individual is

Now make a “[user]” proof doodle for everyone on the forum.:smiling_imp:


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im not that GOOD at it but like!!! it makes a characters face look so much more interesting!!!

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Si si, I can’t wait to draw more of the AO characters just to give them fun noses

Turns out Beringer had made a mistake and mixed up the death curse with the cancer curse!

My favorite stylish twink!
Go white boy go!

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diane lore dump (even though this really should go into my topic specifically made for her lore) (but its okay cause since then ive retconned 75% of it)

  • Diane is a descendant of Typhon and Echidna, a monsterous couple in Greek mythology. They are considered to have gievn birth to many famous mythological monsters like Cerberus, the Gorgons, and the Hydra.

    • Typhon is said to cause volcanic eruptions, which plays into the fact that Diane has obsidian magic
  • Like her ancestors, the her top half looks almost perfectly human, while two giant serpent tails replace what should be her legs. Kinda like the starbucks mermaid lmao

  • Probably centuries old (though her mental age is at a young adult)

  • Was captured by the Order after swimming too far away from her home in the Dark Sea, in which her scales were harvested to create potions to replicate her magic.

    • She escaped long before Morden did, as she’s no longer completely a player insert
  • She kinda was aimless for a few years, trying to piece together her memories and fit in into this new world she was placed in, but she kinda doesn’t really look all too human :skull:

  • Eventually starts hunting bounties to make a living, but she kinda ends up eating her victims in a frenzy and leaving the mess for someone else to find

  • Whenever goes into the ocean she kinda blacks out and always wakes up at an island (lore explanation for drowning lmao, she kinda just goes on autopilot and swims to her destination w/o realizing it)

  • Experiences visual and auditory hallucinations related to the sea and her time with the Order

  • is illiterate, but picked up whatever language the War Seas uses during that downtime after escaping

  • Wonders why her shoes never fit right (its cause shes fucking cramming her tails into them)

  • if you know the game octodad theres a good visual for how she “walks”


So where does Julian come in?

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idk if that ship would be canon to her lore cause its mostly for funnies

but if it was im sure her eating people would place her under his radar and wham bam boom rivalry begins (despite it being a losing battle 100% of the time for diane)

i imagine this is how an average mosaic interaction would go:



The so-called child of Typhon being beaten by a pocket mirror

does diane just fucking die when she fights a magic that produces any form of somewhat bright light

the blindfold helps, but against light, lightning, and fire users she sometimes has to keep her eyes down/closed

which causes her attacks to be haphazard and not as precise, but since she’s a paladin she SHOULD be able to tank a few hits before being able to fight back

however, i propose a more unhinged alternative:

this one goes out to all of those who had to suffer through years of crushing on someone


plasma is forgotten yet again

to be fair i almost forgot fire :skull:

The sun/flare magic mage condensing the divine forces of Ra directly into Diana’s eyes

probably for the best she didn’t meet Iris then

epicenter family reunion