Mirage's doodle thread

she has become real

the skirt + train was an absolute PAINNN to make jesus

real she has become!

Yoda, is that you?

giving diane a corruption arc an upgrade quest :hugs::hugs:

could be related to the fact she’ll never reach elysium


Diane no this isn’t you! :pleading_face:

How to give your oc’s character development:

  1. Kill them

I can fix her

who did this to her and why

the skrunkly will be avenged.

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snakes can apparently regrow their organs, if she wanted to be fixed, she would’ve done so herself already :sob::sob:

though u can always try !!! :grimacing::+1:

Trust me I got this!

I’m Australian!

u aussies just love running into clearly dangerous situations that more often than not involves some sort of deadly creature, huh :sob:




nooo who did this to the sweet lil baby :sob:

ajdkfa;ldsfj the hug react !!!

did i accidentally create an ao oc golden child or something??

this gave me a stupid idea :sob::sob:

julian goin thru his bella swan era


The human urge to play ring toss with her silly obsidian horn things

just make the edgy one a completely different character i beg diane does not deserve this :pleading_face::pray:

if it makes u feel any better the corruption arc may not even be canon to her lore :sob:

this is just me messing around with silly concepts

though part of me isn’t so sure that ALL of her silliness would go away even if she did come back like that–

More of a reason to stew her up