Mirage's doodle thread

should the horn things stay idk if i wanna keep them


anyways i could beat corrupted diane in a fight ong

You basically read my mind with this lol

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she became from silly to oh shit she became serious and shes a dragon now :fearful:

i think you did bc i make some doodles abt her even tho shes your oc :sob:
and the forumers love her

i have 260 damage on my blast on fire magic, not counting dot :sob:

I’m dealing 180ish with an uncharged blast of lightning. And I have 65 power form armor.

This—THIS is why I keep saying lightning needs a buff.

i have 117
get more power

This you?

I’m planning on doing so but I still haven’t gotten the right scrolls from the Dark Sea.

my build is a W, i have 140 atkspeed with 117 power and 708 defense (i am the god of minmaxxing)

I just ran some quick calculations with various websites—my average blast damage if I got to where I wanted to be would be like 210.

Do note that I’m using like 80% explosion size because I suck at aiming and lightning is insultingly small.


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totally NOT ripped off from some other reptile themed girl from a tv show i like–


is it mei- -explodes-

Okay if they were to fight like this, who would win?

julian and diane?? honestly not too sure

am terrible at power scaling plus i dont wanna be that guy who makes my characters more powerful than canon ones :sob::sob:

Just gotta wait for the story to finish so you can call your OC the strongest without anyone calling you cringe

honestly even when the story is complete and the mc is all powerful id still stretch dianes development even further by maybe. a couple centuries

its against my nature to overpower ocs. we stay weak and pitiful :fire::fire::muscle::muscle: