Mistake in the timeline

yeah, too many things.

i dont hab a problem with it tho

oh boy how long until vetex replies and says something about how u wrong and then the thread gets closed :hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

This and something else:

The word “evil” is a human invention, and has no real physicality. The same way that you would not call a hyena evil for ripping apart its prey alive seeing as it is just in its nature, I don’t believe it is entirely accurate to call a god evil for seeing nothing morally reprehensible about manipulating human beings in such a way.

I imagine that to a god human beings are like dogs: interesting to watch and pretty creative and ingenious sometimes, but over all still not possessing as much worth as a god. Perhaps “dog” isn’t even a good example because of Western cultures views on them and cats. Maybe pigs would be a better example if we actually observed pigs and their intelligence more often.

These creatures literally oversaw human beings from their inception. If I were them, they would seem to be little more than neat experiments. I might not deny their capacity for pain, but that would not necessarily be so much as a concern to me. They are lesser, and thus experimenting and toying with them doesn’t really seem as much a crime as to a human being. After all, when they die they just go to the underworld like all the other billion souls you’ve witnessed. The individual human has no significance in that perspective.

It’s the same way I imagine people who run those cruel animal factories probably aren’t doing it for a hatred of cows, for instance. They are lesser, so whatever pain they feel is insignificant to their own personal gain.

To me anyway, an evil person needs to commit evil deeds with evil intentions. There needs to be some degree of malice there, or it’s just called a mistake or an unfortunate result of their nature.

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Yeah, they were actually really sweet relationship with persephone, compared with Zeus kidnapping like, everyone

To comment on the topic itself though, this technically isn’t a mistake in the timeline even though Hades was being painted as “eeevil”. It’s not like there is an inconsistency in the Arcane Universe from Hades’ characterization. Maybe Hades was just depicted as evil because that fit Vetex’s preferences, or because he had already killed off Zeus and Poseidon and had to use one of the big three because all the others probably wouldn’t have been able to survive the wiping out of the gods in the Aurem war (or Fall of Mount Olympus? What’s the war even called?).

Maybe he should have picked someone who is more likely to be interested in testing the limits of dark magic like Hecate. After all, not all the gods died in that war. She could have survived.

i was just saying that Hades is stereotyped too much .-.

Stop making these fucking posts. Arcane lore is BASED on Greek lore. It doesn’t use every single fucking thing from it. It’s vetex’s world he can do whatever the fuck he wants with and it’s not like it doesn’t make sense. Just cause he’s not evil in Greek lore doesnt mean he can’t be in Arcane lore.


Not true. He legit baited her with a flower, kidnapped her, and forced her into marriage.

You read too much modern fiction.

Also not really true either.
Persephone would’ve returned to the surface had she not been stupid and eaten a pomegranate.

Everyone’s already pointed out how Arcane lore doesn’t have much to do with Greek mythology, but I wanted to point out where your Greek mythology was wrong.

Hades is god of the dead. Cold, cruel, grim. There is nothing good about him. No ancient Greek would ever feel sorry for Hades, or ever relate to him, or ever think of him but with a shudder.

i beg you
(also greek mythology wasnt really copied here, so he changed it abit)

I’m pretty sure zeus directly told hades to kidnap persephone

it was just:

Persephone existed.
Hades kidnapped her.

Wanna know something good about him? He treated Persephone like an actual person compared to how women were treated in ancient Greece. you should probably get your facts right. I could be wrong about the “Demeter part”, but it says similar in most of the sources I read, I just exaggerated it.


I’m pretty sure he asked Zeus in like, 95 percent of every source I read.

I’m pretty sure you could go anywhere and everywhere on the internet or through several books on greek mythology and find that same result.

You could even search it up and you’d find the same result.

Can we just stop?

The abduction myth exists to explain the seasons. Persephone isn’t a part of the story, her only action is eating the pomegranate seeds.
Hades does not “treat her” in any way. It is not something that concerned the greeks.
Hades’s goal was to keep her in the Underworld as much as possible. He kidnapped her and tricked her with the pomegranate. I can’t see where you’d get the idea that he was somehow nice to her.