Mistake in the timeline

I’m a bit tired of fighting over a literal fictional story.


Literally every source I used (Google and basically the entire internet along with several books) stated that Hades actually treated her like a person to an extent. Him “not treating her in any way” is basically saying that he at the very least didn’t treat her like most women were treated. I also don’t get how Persephone isn’t a part of the story if she’s literally the character the entire story revolves around.

this entire argument was basically pointless

Firstly, you cite no sources. You insist that you have sources but you provide no evidence for the existence of your sources. Secondly, you fail to understand the purpose of the myth. The myth exists to explain the seasons. In creation myths, the myth is not about the creator . It is about the creation of the world.
Lastly, you asked me to stop then added commentary afterwards, indicating that:
a) you’re a sore loser
b) you’re wasting my time

You didn’t really cite any sources either.

Vetex isn’t an author. The lore is filled with overused tropes and weird plot devices. He wanted a big twist at the end of the Peacekeepers story so he added Hades, a character who had never been mentioned before hand, into the story for seemingly no reason. A lot of the events are “he was so powerful and cool that he destroyed the world in a bigger explosion than the last time someone destroyed the world.”

I don’t really have a problem with this as the lore is not the biggest part of the games. As long as the magics are fun to fight with and the quests are bearable, the lore doesn’t matter all that much.

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not to be harsh or anything but in the lore of the arcane universe all the gods seemed to be assholes even Prometheus and Poseidon. Prometheus used humanity for self gain to become the god of all gods and Poseidon joined fucking Cursebeards crew, who knows what horrible things both of them have done, Apollo included.

The gods in greek mythology are also assholes.


Michael Floss notes in his book Gods and Heroes

Demeter would not hear of a marriage-to lose her daughter to the Kingdom of the Dead! So Hades planned to abduct her.


Hades complies with the request, but first he tricks Persephone, giving her some pomegranate seeds to eat.

And the main reason I started this is because the baseless claims of Persephone being treated well reminds me all too much of this (wikipedia):

Modern reception[edit]

Main article: Persephone in popular culture

Persephone also appears many times in popular culture. Featured in a variety of young adult novels such as Persephone [100] by Kaitlin Bevis, Persephone’s Orchard [101] by Molly Ringle, The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter, The Goddess Letters by Carol Orlock, Abandon by Meg Cabot, and Lore Olympus by Rachel Smythe, her story has also been treated by Suzanne Banay Santo in Persephone Under the Earth in the light of women’s spirituality. Here Santo treats the mythic elements in terms of maternal sacrifice to the burgeoning sexuality of an adolescent daughter. Accompanied by the classic, sensual paintings of Fredric Lord Leighton and William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Santo portrays Persephone not as a victim but as a woman in quest of sexual depth and power, transcending the role of daughter, though ultimately returning to it as an awakened Queen.[102]

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Also Its stated that magic is usually stronger in the hands of an evil person and magic is only built for evil and destruction due to chaos creating it.so… all the gods are made up of this evil energy even the peacekeeper. Hence why we go and destroy the curses after the events of AA.



You’re right, but Hades was not necessary a completely evil person, which is what most media portrays him to be

The lore is literally the product of a teen weeb picking up Percy Jackson

imagine lore, just play the game

like i said, aa is based on greek mythos by name only

opinion bad jk

No, it’s based on greek mythos interpretations from our modern pop culture.

The great god Prometheus would never do such a thing. The power he seemed to gain from the Aurem was simply a result of his growing relevance in the realm of Olympus, which translated into power. The Aurem itself did nothing to increase his power in truth, but does contain some magical properties. It was to be a symbol of their remembrance of his kindness.

The narrative you speak of was created by Cursebeard to justify the mass murder and slaughter he wrought upon the human world and his betrayal of Prometheus’ gift of life to the human race by coercing and then murdering him. It is of course most heavily perpetuated by his accursed seed the Alaleans, and their dogs and perpetual allies the Vistarians.

There might be people who accuse me of spinning some fabrication, but check their cultures and you will find that a significant portion of them are Alaleans and Vistarians. Have we really stopped so low as to consider the baseless ramblings of those inferior races as worthy of any note? They are vipers upon vipers and rats upon rats, all undeserving of the benevolent Prometheus’ gift of life.