Notice how literally nobody talked about it since after the infamy changes NO ONE claims islands or plays the game for too long anymore
I wish the old system was back because people would actually have a reason to claim and fight over an island, ganks can still be easily avoided with potions and logging (although made harder)
It’s just not worth claiming because you’re gonna lose more than you get from it
yeah, it’s just annoying that sunkens were both good defense, and one of the best armours for their respective substats
and they’re also just a pain to get for casual players
now they’re still good, but not really necessary if you want to use a good build with high defense and either attack size or speed
For me, infamy only works in the Bronze Sea, since for some reason Infamy gain is now completely disabled if there’s not enough players/clans in a server for Island Claiming to work. Either I missed a patch note or it’s a weird bug.