Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

“Patrick, this combat feels incredible! how did you make this?”
“Some nimrods told me to nerf attack speed even more when it was fine. They mentioned something called ‘thermo fist’ and I just agreed.”

“Patrick, I swear to-”

The illusion of choice

Surely all of these attack speed nerfs will amount to attack size receiving the same treatment, right?

According the meta attack size is worse than speed since speed reduces endlag, or something along those lines.

Ah yes, that totally explains why certain builds are allowed to cover 3/4ths of my screen with one attack

It’s funny

should I do a funny and get good at pvp on my oracle file?
killing people while only having 1 skill would be so funny

oracle is still locked unfortunately

you can go vitality hybrids and use only eagle if you want ig

Oracle has been bestowed upon me by the gods (vetex messed up something when changing the max stat investment for savant so now my 149 vit savant has turned into oracle)

I dont understand vetex on this one…Like, sure, only 1 s-weapon. But come on man, its early access. At least Oracle have all 5 rites, let us live a little!

(oracles will have only have 3 moves since E.P doesnt have all its moves yet)

Um… EP only has 1 skill added…

God damn it, vetex, focus on one thing…


Hey, he did promise 1 update per month, if he had focused on extra skills and s-weaps, this wouldve taken another 2 months :skull:

Its…its already 2 months, no?

Nope. I think?

erm, actualy yes

what about the easter update tho

It was a week later, soooo…

I swore I heard that the E.P had the rest of its non-unique rites but knowing me I probably conjured that memory into existence.