Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Oh btw, in the imbuement video, it said “Port Mistral Update”, so uh, yeah. Reanme the patch ig

The name has been changed so many times in this past month

Im actually considering continuing to use this thread since Vitality might be continued in the next update.

Though, I guess next update is stated to be the Empires Update… yeah, Ill maybe change the title

You wanna DIE for this [thread]?!? Fine! what’s [2] more [months]. i can always start again. make another [thread]. argh Dammit! ugh WHY DID YOU MAKE ME DO THIS! YOU’RE FIGHTING SO YOU CAN WATCH EVERYONE AROUND YOU [play other games]!! THINK [FORUMERS]! you’ll outlive every fragile insignificant [thread] on this [site]! you’ll live to this [thread] crumble to dust and BLOW AWAY! EVERYONE and EVERTHING YOU KNOW WILL BE GONE! WHAT WILL YOU HAVE AFTER 5 [MOTHNS]!! A BARELY ALIVE [THREAD] THAT IS NOT WORTH ITS TIME?! [JUST START A NEW ONE, ACCORDING TO THE UPDATE]


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you know what

since dual katanas are a bigger, slower version of dual swords (which they really should be the opposite) then colossal cutlass can easily be a bigger slower version of the greatsword

colossal cutlassbros… are we saved?

Fr, Durza better.
Acheron’s just copyright free

im still paranoid that if i uneq my items they will get deleted

What the fuck happened to the lore? Now I don’t understand a shit, especially part about magic’s origins.

How the fuck Prometheus killed Zeus, if he wasn’t getting aurem from people in this new lore?
How the fuck every ancient mage became a paladin?
How the fuck spirit energy gives you abilities at using absolutely different type of energy (magic energy)?
Why the fuck Durza’s name was changed? Nobody will recognise him anymore. :sob:

Why Prometheus turned from just idiot to COMPLETE IDIOT? This time he litteraly was defending the side which would kill him later and HE DIDN’T EVEN GET ANY BENEFITS FROM IT ANYMORE.

I need help, I am getting lost in this madness.

Zeus got skill issue

okay i have no defense for this one

this too


no no you see he can see the future and so he choose the best possible outcome
( dont ask me why him dying is the best possible outcome for him )

The name Durza was copyrighted

What did they copyright exactly and why it surfaced only now?

Plot armour

Mages are people who manipulate magic energy (Chaos) because they themself have a large amount of spirit energy (Creation) and because Prometheus taught humanity how.

Magic Energy is derived from Chaos. its everywhere. Its what causes the weather issues, and allows people to cast with magic. Spirit energy is derived from Creation and (from what I can tell) only within humans and Gods. It can only be manipulated by Gods who used it to make Spirit Weapons so humans can manipulate it in a limited way and Experimental Curses

So vetex doesn’t infringe on Christopher Paolini’s copyright if he ends up making this a book series


its from the inheritence series ( whatever it is ) apparently, so was Oberon ( name of Theos’ hometown )

And Alalea as well. Also I’m 99% sure that I’ve never read the word Oberon in the inheritance series.

im like 99% Oberon is the name of some fairy king dude

I don’t remember anything called Oberon in the series either… nor do I remember Alalea.


Doesn’t explains a shit. I am asking how spirit energy connected to magic energy to make us able to cast magic.

You just copy pasted old lore for exception of Chaos’s energy which is not the original source of pollution which caused the weather issues. And IT DOESN’T EXPLAINS ANYTHING.



Feels like something vetex just hasn’t added or we’re yet to learn.

Pollution and weather issues is caused by Magic Energy not by Chaos, Magic Energy is just the energy of Chaos.


I know that lmao. But how is that related to “How the fuck spirit energy gives you abilities at using absolutely different type of energy (magic energy)?”

To be honest you answered it there.

I always had a feeling they were connected in the new lore for a while, and had the suspicion that Spirit Energy was responsible for Mages living up to hundreds of years.

I always interpreted the relationship of Magic and Spirit Energy as something similar to negative and positive energy. Repelled if its the same force, but attracted to the opposite force.

I used to theorise that raising one energy would also raise the other, which was why Mages go on to be very old, could that explain it?