Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

magnets or something idk i’m not vetex

I still cannot see why only people with a lot of spirit energy were able to create magic circles.

Its like saying, you will have an A mark for English, if you get an A mark for maths, lmao.

Using this analogy, if you have a lot of positive charges, you can attract more negative charges to do stuff with, like make a magic circle.

Is it really easier for Vetex to say than just saying that some people have minds unlocked and some locked? Bruh, I am confused.

That might just be them growing closer to their magic, like curse users

Uhh (body clear)

Curse Users are immortal because they ARE Magic Energy. The person becomes the physical embodiment of the Magic itself. It should be different with Mages.

Spirit Energy was the natural conclusion for me as theyre linked with life and one’s vitality

We could say that it is the high Spirit Energy that allows their mind to get unlocked. If they dont have enough Spirit Energy, it stays locked.

Meant that, like the more they master, the more magic energy flows through their body and “augments” it so to speak

Yeah, but Magic Energy isnt really related to life or one’s lifeforce. To me, it never made sense that Magic Circles itself would make someone live longer.

Well, we got the confirmation that it was Spirit Energy in the first place so eh

does this mean that its possible to unlock a locked mind by giving them a bunch of spirit energy ( assuming they dont, idk, die from overloading or smt )

i think its more likely that having more spirit energy makes the body more durable, which in turn allow more minds to be unlocked

rather than the spirit energy is what cause the minds to be unlocked

Doubt it’s the magic circles, just the magic energy itself, like how weapon builds can passively imbue their weapons with magic energy, same thing can happen with bodies.

And it’s probably less about lifeforce, and more slowing down their aging

Im talking about the old lore, as it stated that people started living up to hundreds of years because of the new method of Magic Circle casting, the way it was worded implying it was the Magic Circle itself.

Yeah, I still dont think that would be related to Magic Energy though and would be connected to Spirit Energy. Remember, Spirit Energy is the power of life, Magic Energy by nature is a weapon of Chaos and destruction and is only imitating the elements. I doubt it would be the cause behind the slow aging

Yea I agree with you on that. Just find it weird that one’s magic energy would make the spirit energy more potent, especially if they potrayed as opposites.

Could also be the magic energy imitating spirit energy, since healing magic and life magic exist.

Man the thread has a lot of posts today i wonder what’s ne-
images (14)

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Well, the way I see it is while magic energy makes up the attack, you need spirit energy to shape it and control it

in an unrelated note, how and where did the spirit energy come from in the Dark Sea that allowed Enzior to awaken his snow magic

Wait… hold on, you might be on to something.

Because Creation itself was the one that created life and planets. So almost ALL natural elements should come from Creation. And we know Magic Energy via Magic Circles imitate those natural elements. And Magic Circles can only be used by those with… high Spirit Energy, the force of Creation.

Could that be why we need high Spirit Energy to have Magic Circles? :eyes:

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what if magic energy itself is just like, incredibly dangerous and probably would kill someone without proper regulation (literally dark fluid from HD2), but the spirit energy regulates it enough to where it can be controlled.

With this theory, one could propose that Apocalypse Bringer is quite literally raw and unregulated magic energy which is why it’s so destructive. That, or it’s quite literally magic trying to imitate chaos itself.

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