Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

my man, what did u expect? the story was 1 chapter long, also fuck pre-nerf reflexes

Me and the other vitality hybrids showing up to the mini-boss


Joins onto the forum every time the game updates, adds absolutely nothing of value to any conversation, just complains about everything added in the update, is completely insufferable.

Please, just stop

the nerf to reflexes did nothing to change “runners”, people still actively run around, and you’re unable to hit them because i guess everybody in ao has the ability to teleport

I’m hoping that the player is given more Spirit Weapons quickly in the story so they can have a full kit as an Oracle, if mini bosses that they need to go out of their way to get to are going to be the main method. Maybe Chief Alfarin could give us a shark-tooth-shaped weapon (although it wouldn’t make much sense since SpWpns were made a bunch before Acheron nuked the world), or Mayor Owin could give us some sort of book weapon?

ground dashes are way more effective for running than reflexes, reflexes got nerfed just so u dont do the stupidest shit and still manage win


Knowing that sky ships will eventually be more developed in the future, could a Legendary Ship possibly be in the sky?

YES! Finally, an actual use for the sky ships. It’s always been confusing to me why this ground-breaking technology is literally only used in 1 small part of the story, and never talked about again (same thing happened to sky skates)

I’m praying sky ships actually get usage :pray:

Bro all you do on the fucking forums is come to complain every update, just go play another game and keep quiet


it’s because they need island clouds to function
and it’s not easy to get island clouds to different places
(also I believe there was also a cliff type place later in AA where sky skates could be used again)

I rarely complain, I’m just stating my disappointment on the current method of development, I liked Mistral and loved the new spirit items, but literally everything else was poorly managed.

+you sound mad over my opinions lol


I would commit numerous atrocities for the privilege of fighting some comically strong guy on flying wood

Now that I think about it though, the sky ship’s users would probably need sky skates to start attacking the player if they sink it. Either that, or the drops are obtained immediately without having to slap anyone directly.

yea, cerulea but i still think sky travel should be more fleshed out than what it currently is


holy hell i just realized

So assuming Sameria somehow wins the war or if it ends for any other reason, would Port Mistral end up going back to normal like in this preview image?

i only see you on the forums when an update drops, and when you do talk here you just yap about how the update sucks

you cant lie about rarely complaining when ive seen you complain on THREE different topics already

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Sounds like side-quest material ngl

shut the fuck up nobody cares :sob:

Last time I complained was Itemgate, so if you think the erasure of items was not valid to be mad about, then :person_shrugging:

Also, I surf around the forums even after updates, Im just now more active again since schools out for me lol

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The part where everyone turned to look at Morden when he told them he had the death curse at the meeting had me giggling


Maybe, but ngl, player fleet, just like kingdom alignments, looks like godly pve feature