Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

What normal ship class is the fenrir closest too? Like, is this somewhere near a ship of the line?

When did you come back

probably closer to a flagship

I don’t think they’re close to anything. Ships of the Line are large but they’re supposed to just have as many broadside cannons as they can for the sake of being able to form a Line of Battle ( Line of battle - Wikipedia) . The Fenrir is supposed to be a base of operations - yes they probably have some great firepower which no other ship can match, but the largest threat of the Fenrir is that it probably can carry an entire army, multiple Curse Users, all the supplies they would need, all by itself. It’s a Solo Stronghold, an Individual Intimidator, and an Only Omen. Thanks Thesaurus.com.

so basically “just because i know how to do it doesnt mean i know how to teach it”


read, my friend

i know its hard, but i believe in you


Also, I’m pretty sure flagship just refers to whatever the big admiral’s own ship is rather than an actual type of ship but please fact check me.

I am 100% sure that if they will follow this tactic, then our protagonist more likely to destroy them by storm will (that one shit that we presumably did on the Dawn’s island) instead of actual legendary ship battle. Otherwise its won’t make sense for us to win it in fair battle, unless we are sneaking into there or sinking it by other means.

I mean, its would be logical (if not, then explain me why), if our protagonist will awaken his godly ability and sink it via creating a storm.

it’s under the clan tab on the trello
it’s basically just a big ship for one specific clan that can be upgraded by the members

maybe the fenrir is more of like a galleon

Yeah I was referring to what the term means according to google I forgor about clan flagships. I doubt vet would let us have something that massive.

that might be that fancy thing that vetex said would show us the climax of this world

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False, hilarious you’re trying to call me stupid when you can’t even be bothered to get the facts needed. Vetex has stated that if he was to rewrite AA, (which he is aiming to as his ambition is to be an author) that mutations would be replaced with lost scrolls.

Again, you must have the Arcane reading and lore comprehension of a 7 year old, the issues of Scrolls are that they have no set requirement, unlike mutations which are based on someone’s emotional, mental and physical growth as a wizard, scrolls do not require any skill, and from the information we have now can be mastered by novices and rookies as seen in Iris.

Which system do you prefer more?
  • Mutations
  • Scrolls
0 voters

the pvp is fun


Once everyone has oversized attacks, it’ll be balanced

everyone /w a weapon has gotten access to a hollow purple ig


looks about right
time for a weapon wipe

erm its iris the anomaly for a reason

And vetex says magic users are meant to be stronger