Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Literally 15 size


it’s time to repeat cassia town!

Fighting a weapon build now is like fighting Argos, except he has significantly more damage and far better AI

so, argos at his prime?

Yeah pretty much

Elysium is finally living up to its name. Lol

overcentralization my beloved :heart:

that sht’s bigger than an actual tornado wth


There couldn’t be a more blatant bit of foreshadowing.

who let argestes cook :sob:

Ha. Hahaha.

And we got an attack speed nerf? How could anyone not see a problem here?

Clearly they do because Iris is literally famous for being a prodigy who knows flare magic. There must be some degree of skill and hard work that is involved with learning a magic and then being able to pull it off.

yea she clearly had enough skill to have her ass kicked by some amnesiac who just woke up



she probably learned it out of emotion while “unlocking first mind” (those are retconned? idk? basically when she got her first magic) and for her its effectively base magic in the same way mutations become base magics

a lot of the forums did, it’s just that a select few of the higher up balancers consider size to be more skilled and better for the game

So a player who’s Tempest is larger than the Samerian Tornado is more skilled than a player who can actually aim their attacks and use their lessened endlag to their advantage.


Its confirmed by Tech she had a scroll and learned the magic.

But she’s an anomaly in the sense that she managed to actually learn Flare Magic despite being a literal beginner Mage. Also, her growth is at an unusual exponential rate, the Iris that literally obliterated those Ravennan guards isnt the same Iris that we fought at Frostmill.

She’s an anomaly because she managed to learn a Lost Magic at a young age, and her rate of growth is extremely fast. Might be PK level, but we have to see quick she is with her growth.

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urm actchhuallyllyl the aspeed player can just parry and then punish if he has high speed and fight like that but asize player cant because eeeheheh he cant!!!

just play more pvp!!pp!!!

tbh i understand how are they trying to make it work, but if literally the entire community is crying you gotta do something, even if the competitive scene suffers

The fact the competitive scene would suffer at all is indicative of the state it’s already in, if you ask me.