Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

This is from less than a month ago, so it seems he changed his mind.

This vetex guy…

This feels like something that would fit a different game; AA could theoretically work with it, but you only ever learn three Magics because the Seven Seas aren’t advanced enough for people to reliably learn more than that.

I would be willing to pay for something that used this system, thoug.

I’m asking him a few questions on Patreon chat now. Be back to you all when I get an answer updated for June 2024

I’m gonna lose my shit dawg, at this point the game itself just shouldn’t be canon.

lore is getting out of hand

I feel like the main reason why Magics have scrolls and not mutation quests is because the game was designed around people wanting viable non-Magic progression.

Lorewise, would this mean that one Magic could mutate into any other (i.e. Water → Phoenix), or are you stuck with what your Magic could mutate into?


I would assume stuck with what your magic could mutate into. Luckily for me my characters already fit that just fine whether it’s mutations or scrolls, but it must suck for other people.

tbh I made this idea cuz I liked the aa mutation system and I knew scrolls were planned so i kinda combined them
also the scrolls are supposed to tell you how to evolve magic

I prefer mutations story-wise and lore-wise (it doesn’t make sense for scrolls to be hard to find since they can be easily spread-around and they aren’t one-time-use). Mutations are more personal which I like. And just generally really cool.

Scrolls are way better for gameplay. As Sock said, mutations have the issue that you may have to play with a magic you don’t like to get the mutation you do like. But what’s less talked about is the issue that mutations were going to be non-replaceable, so whatever you picked you’re stuck with for the rest of that file. The Vimir Sea is wayyy too late for players to be making a decision that big, especially with no way to test out all of the mutations beforehand to make sure you actually like the one you chose. Scrolls are just better for players.

I’m gonna vote scrolls because they’re good for gameplay and even though mutations are better for story I think scrolls are pretty good for story too, potentially. A character could still need to develop and grow as a person in order to master the scroll’s teachings, or maybe acquiring the scroll and its magic could represent change they’ve already gone through. Also, if we’re using magics as metaphors for personality then scrolls allow for far more drastic change in character, since you can even go from Water Magic to Sun Magic if you want.

my main headache is from him saying a mage could theoretically learn as many magics as they want from other people, giving birth to many unanswered questions

vetex try not to contradict himself challenge (impossible)


Doing that tomorrow if someone doesn’t do it before (and if I don’t forget)


even though he said being able to spread scrolls around was a gameplay mechanic this part of the lore doc implies it works that way in lore too lmao. makes you wonder why they don’t have schools for different types of magic like how there’s schools for martial arts

Yeah, that part of the lore doc definitely implies to me that the scroll system is canon. It’s very contradictory.

Beginning to think there’s a different “game canon” and “story canon”

I think that’s just outright true, isn’t it?

“If we’re talking about the game verse”

Its so confusing man